The End of the World Part 3 (Edited!)

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Author's Note: I want to thank you for your support and comments as it really motivates me to carry on writing knowing people are enjoying this book. If it wasn't for you guys, this book wouldn't almost be at 1k views.

Edited: 05/01/2024. I am back to uploading all new chapters on all of my books, so please go check them out as I have more of these Doctor Who & Torchwood books if anyone is interested. Also, if you want to keep informed of updates, please give me a follow as I regularly post updates.


"Do you think there's signal on this ship?" Lucinda asks curiously as she holds up Daisy's phone. "I want to take a photo of the planet."

Daisy pulls away from the Doctor and steps down the stairs to stand beside her. "Lucy, you don't need signal to take a photo. Here, let me help you." She holds the phone in front of them and clicks onto the camera option. "There you go, sweetie."

Lucinda takes the photo with a look of seriousness on her face. Although to Daisy and the Doctor, it makes her look even more cuter at the way she really wants the photo to turn out good and not miss any important details. She then hands back the phone to Daisy with a satisfied grin showing.

"She's right, though." Daisy comments when looking at her phone screen. "There's no signal."

"Tell you what." The Doctor takes the phone gently into his hands. "With a little bit of jiggery pokery."

"What's jiggery pokery?" Lucinda asks out of curiousness. "Is it a spell?"

"No, sweetie." Daisy giggles, shaking her head as the Doctor takes her phone apart using his sonic screwdriver. "The Doctor just made it up."

"There you go." He hands it her back. "If you ever need to ring someone in the whole of time and space, now you can."

"Who would I even ring?" Daisy mutters to him as Lucinda heads back over to observe the dying planet once more. "Mickey and I are not on speaking terms or at least it felt like that before we left. Rose and Jackie hate me, and Lucinda is already here with us. Plus your ears could pick up my voice from miles away, I bet."

The Doctor rolls his eyes at her teasing voice, though he tries his hardest to fight off the grin wanting to show.

Suddenly, the floor shakes, and Lucinda runs back over to Daisy and opens her arms to be picked up which Daisy doesn't hesitate at for a second knowing her goddaughter is safe.

The Doctor looks around the room with a frown. "That's not supposed to happen."


"Honoured guests may be reassured that gravity pockets may cause slight turbulence, thanking you."

"Indubitably, this is the Bad Wolf scenario." The Moxx of Balhoon says to the Face of Boe. "I find the inherent laxity of the on-going multiverse-"

The Doctor enters the gallery with Daisy and Lucinda beside him. "That wasn't a gravity pocket. I know gravity pockets and they don't feel like that. What do you think, Jabe?" He asks her as she walks over to them. "Listened to the engines. They've pitched up about thirty Hertz. That dodgy or what?"

"It's the sound of metal." Jabe replies. "It doesn't make any sense to me."

Daisy looks around with her eyes and makes eye contact with the Face of Boe who's face lights up at the sight of her.

"Where's the engine room?" The Doctor asks Jabe, bringing Daisy's attention back to them.

"I don't know, but the maintenance duct is just behind our guest suite, I could show you and your wife." She suggests.

Daisy frowns at her and shakes her head. "No, we're-we're just friends. Nothing more, nothing less."

"...Right." Jabe nods her head looking like she doesn't believes the young woman's words since friends don't kiss friends.

Daisy straightens her back and lifts up Lucinda a bit more to rest back onto her hips comfortably. "Here's a good idea. You and the Doctor go and find the engine room or pollinate whilst me and Lucinda speak to Lady Cassandra as I'm really interested in finding out more about the Earth before it was empty."

"Don't start a fight." The Doctor warns her though there is a glint of amusement in his eyes. He then looks at Jabe and offers his arm to her. "I'm all yours."

"Make sure you come back in one piece, yeah?" Daisy points at him playfully as she heads toward the direction of Lady Cassandra.

"Earth Death in fifteen minutes. Earth Death in fifteen minutes."


The Doctor and Jabe walk side by side through the maintenance Duct. "Who's in charge of Platform One? Is there a Captain or what?"

"There's just the Steward and the staff." Jabe asks him. "All the rest is controlled by the metal mind."

"You mean the computer?" The Doctor looks at her with confusion. "But who controls that?"

"The Corporation. They move Platform One from one artistic event to another."

"But there's no one from the Corporation on board?" The Doctor shakes his head.

"They're not needed." Jabe explains. "This facility is purely automatic. It's the height of the Alpha class. Nothing can go wrong."


Jabe shrugs her shoulders in response. "If you like. The nautical metaphor is appropriate."

"You're telling me. I was on board another ship once." He snorts thinking back to his visit of the Titanic. "They said that was unsinkable. I ended up clinging to an iceberg. It wasn't half cold. So, what you're saying is, if we get in trouble, there's no one to help us out?"

"I'm afraid not." Jabe answers with a shake of her head.

The Doctor grins like a child on Christmas Day and starts to head away from her to explore more. "Fantastic!"

Jabe walks after him, shaking her head once again. "I don't understand. In what way is that fantastic?"

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