World War Three Part 1

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Author's Note: I'm going to expand later on this chapter as some friends have just showed up at the house without letting me and my mum know first when they were told last night we would be busy today with boxing things away.

Edited 01/08/2023: I have finally expanded on this chapter. Sorry it's been a few days, I've been busy with personal life and had to go to the hospital more as my wounds are infected once again which hurts like sunburn thanks to the red skin around it.


"No wait!" Harriet calls from behind Daisy and Lucinda. "They're still in there! The emergency protocols, we need them!"

"No, we don't!" Daisy shouts as she continues to run down a corridor, not caring about her back hurting from carrying Lucinda. "What we need to do is run before that creature catches up to us!"

The green alien comes out of the Cabinet room and follows them, breaking down door after door that the three girls run in to try and get away from her.


Daisy pushes Harriet into a sitting room after them then closes the door. "Hide."

Lucinda jumps down and slips behind a couch as Daisy jumps up onto the window sill and places the curtain in front of her.

Harriet is quick to hide behind a screen and crouches down to make sure she isn't seen.

"Oh, such fun." Margaret comments as she breaks down the door. "Little human children, where are you? Sweet little humeykins, come to me. Let me kiss you better. Kiss you with my big, green lips!"

More footsteps enter the room, and Daisy moves the curtain a little bit to see Lucinda still hidden.

"My brothers." Margaret greets happily.

"Happy hunting?" One of them asks her.

"It's wonderful." She replies. "The more you prolong it, the more they stink."

"Sweat and fear."

"I can smell an old girl." Another one of Margaret's brothers sniffs up at the air. "Stale bird and brittle bones."

"And a ripe youngster and a younger one, all hormones and adrenalin. Fresh enough to bend before she snaps!"

The curtain moves away from Daisy, and she kicks out her leg to push Margaret away from her. She jumps down onto the floor and moves in front of Lucinda, making sure her goddaughter is shielded.

"No!" Harriet shouts as she comes out from behind the screen. "Take me first! Take me!"

The Doctor runs into the room suddenly with a fire extinguisher in his hands. He starts to spray the aliens in the room, and Daisy leads herself and Lucinda over to his side.

Harriet joins their side and grips onto Daisy's arm.

The Doctor glances at Harriet with a frown. "Who the hell are you?"

"Harriet Jones, MP for Flydale North." She replies.

"Nice to meet you."

"Likewise." She nods.

Once the fire extinguisher runs out, the Doctor throws it onto the floor then picks up Lucinda into his arm and sets her on his side before wrapping his other arm around Daisy, leading them out of the room and into the corridor. "We need to head to the Cabinet Room."

"The Emergency Protocols are in there." Harriet tells him. "They give instructions for aliens."

"Harriet Jones, I like you." The Doctor comments.

"And I like you too."

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