The End of the World (SNEAK PEAK!)

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Author's Note: As I'm currently working on the next chapter, here is a sneak peak of the beginning of that chapter. The original plan was for me to show you the middle part of the chapter where it will be more entertaining to see how different Daisy is around the other aliens, but I've not written it as of yet due to updating other books.


"Right then, Daisy, Lucinda." The Doctor looks at them as they enter the console room from having breakfast. "You tell me. Where do you want to go? Backwards or forwards in time. It's your choice. What's it going to be?"

Daisy bites her lip and looks at Lucinda. "Forwards?"

Lucinda nods her head happily. "Yes!"

"How far?" He asks them.

Lucinda tilts her head at his question to think about it. "One hundred...years."

The Doctor pulls a lever and turns a knob before the Tardis settles a few seconds after. "There you go." He gestures to the doors. "Step outside those doors, it's the 22nd century."

Daisy shakes her head at him in amusement. "Is that supposed to sound impressive?"

He playfully glares at her before heading back over to the controls from leaning against the railing. "How about the year 12005, the New Roman Empire?"

"Now, you're just trying to show off!" Daisy accuses him in a playful tone, and Lucinda laughs as she watches them.

"You want showing off? I'll give you something to show off about." The Doctor smirks and starts to fly the Tardis as both girls grab onto the railings.

The Tardis quickly settles down, and the Doctor looks at Daisy with an eyebrow raised.

"Where have we landed?" She asks him as a grin forms on her lips. "What is outside them doors?"

The Doctor just turns his head to the door.

Daisy takes Lucinda's hand into hers and heads over. She opens the door and steps out to see they're in some kind of open space gallery with stairs in front of them, leading towards a shutter on the wall.

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