Aliens of London Part 4

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Watching Lucinda helping the Doctor, Daisy notices the sonic screwdriver near her feet and passes it to Lucinda for her to give it back to the Doctor.

Mickey looks at them, well, mostly at the Doctor. "So what're you doing down there?"

"Ricky." The Doctor turns to him with annoyance clear on his face. "If I was to tell you what I was doing to the controls of my frankly magnificent time ship, would you even begin to understand?"

"It's Mickey." He huffs. "But I suppose not."

"Well, shut it, then." The Doctor rolls his eyes.

Mickey looks at Daisy and shakes his head. "Some boyfriend you've got."

"Like you can talk." Daisy quickly argues back. "You have Rose."

"At least I know where my girlfriend is and she doesn't take off." Mickey glares back at her.

Daisy steps an inch towards him with the darkest glare covering her face that even the Daleks would think she is the Oncoming Storm and not the Doctor. "Mickey, you either shut up or get out. I'm not having you kick off around my family."

Getting scared of Daisy after she already slapped him, Mickey heads for the Tardis door and closes it behind him.

What seems like minutes, the Doctor helps Lucinda up first then climbs up himself from under the grids of the console. "We got it!" He announces to stop the silence filling the room. "Patched in the radar, looped it back twelve hours so we can follow the flight of that spaceship." The Doctor turns the screen to them. "Here we go. Hold on. Come on." The screen finally shows them what really has been happening with the ship. "That's the spaceship on its way to Earth, see? Except. Hold on. See? The spaceship did a sling shot round the Earth before it landed."

"It came from Earth?" Lucinda gasps with wide eyes.

"Exactly!" The Doctor high fives her. "It went up and came back down. Whoever those aliens are, they haven't just arrived, they've been here for a while. The question is, what have they been doing?"


Trying to find out what has been going on in London since they've been stuck inside the Tardis, The Doctor switches the channels on the console screen to try and find something about the ship that crashed.

"It is looking likely that the Government's bringing in alien specialists." A woman's voice comes through the speakers of the screen. "Those people who have devoted their lives to studying outer space."

"UNIT." The Doctor gestures to the screen for Daisy and Lucinda to understand. "United Nations Intelligence Taskforce. Good people."

"Papa was a UNIT soldier." Lucinda sniffs as tears swell up in her eyes at the thought of her dead biological parents. "That's how he met mama."

Daisy immediately crouches down in front of her and wipes the fallen tears off her face with her sleeve. "Lucy-"

Lucinda stares into Daisy's eyes that are full of empathy knowing what it feels like to lose parents. "Do you think they'll be proud of me?"

"I think they'll be so proud." Daisy grins and pulls her goddaughter into a hug, not seeing the Doctor look away to wipe his own fallen tear off his face. "And one day in the very far future, they'll get to tell you that themselves. But for now, we'll continue to make them proud of you."

The Doctor glances at the screen then clears his throat. "I used to work for them."

Daisy pulls back from Lucinda and stands back up onto two feet before picking up her goddaughter to set her on Daisy's hip. "UNIT?"

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