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For everyone waiting on updates about each book, please follow my account as that is where I post a lot of updates so everyone knows where I'm up to with planning and writing.


I know it's been a long time since I've updated this book but things in my life recently have been taking my time up such as;

I'm looking at moving to another town and have filled out a form to start bidding so my mental health can get better since there's no shops, no transport but taxi, no pubs for bingo and stuff like that, no activities where I live.

I have these wounds on my legs through sweating, so now I'm seeing the nurse 4 times a week.

My mum's friends have been coming here almost everyday which makes it hard for me to concentrate as they are super loud and always try to look at my laptop to see what I'm doing, and I really don't need them finding my Wattpad account.

Even with all that going on in my life, I'm hoping to get working back on this book by the end of this week once everything calms down slightly as I've now fixed the plan along with a few other book series but they still need a bit more fixing.

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