The Unquiet Dead Part 4 (Edited!)

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In the living room, everyone gathers around a round table.

"This is how Madam Mortlock summons those from the Land of Mists, down in Bute Town." Gwyneth tell them. "Come, we must all join hands."

Dickens shakes his head. "I can't take part in this."

"Humbug?" The Doctor rolls his eyes at him. "Come on, open mind."

"This is precisely the sort of cheap mummery I strive to unmask. Séances?" Dickens scoffs. "Nothing but luminous tambourines and a squeeze box concealed between the knees. This girl knows nothing."

"Now, don't antagonise her." The Doctor grins at him. "I love a happy medium."

Daisy narrows her eyes at him. "Doctor!"

The Doctor ignores her and stares at Dickens. "Come on, we might need you."

Daisy pulls out a chair between herself and Sneed knowing if someone is between them then she won't try to kill him since she doesn't feel like he deserves her forgiveness. Dickens sits down between them.

"Good man." The Doctor smiles then looks at Gwyneth. "Now, Gwyneth, reach out."

She breathes out and calms her nerves. "Speak to us. Are you there?" She looks around the room. "Spirits, come. Speak to us that we may relieve your burden."

Daisy hears whispering and feels someone stepping through her, causing a shiver down her spine. "Does anyone else hear the whispering and feel a shiver going down your spine?"

"Nothing can happen." Dickens denies. "This is sheer folly."

"Oh, do use your eyes, Mr. Dickens." Daisy rolls her eyes at him in annoyance. "Just look at Gwyneth!"

Faint blue gas like figures fly around Gwyneth's head, and the whispering gets louder.

"They can't get through the rift." The Doctor comments. "Gwyneth, it's not controlling you, you're controlling it. Now, look deep. Allow them through."

"I can't." She shakes her head.

"Yes, you can." Daisy looks at her, leaning forward. "I have faith that you can do this."

"Me too." The Doctor agrees. "Make the link."

Gwyneth closes her eyes for a second then reopens them. "Yes."

The blue gas figures fully appear behind Gwyneth's head.

"Great God!" Sneed breathes out. "Spirits from the other side."

"The other side of the universe." The Doctor corrects.

"Pity us." A child's voice comes out of Gwyneth's mouth. "Pity the Gelth. There is so little time. Help us."

"What do you want us to do?" The Doctor asks.

"The rift. Take the girl to the rift. Make the bridge."

The Doctor frowns. "What for?"

"We are so very few. The last of our kind. We face extinction."

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