World War Three Part 3

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Author's Note: Sorry if this chapter isn't the best writing. It's been a while since I wrote in 3rd person and not from a Character's POV. This is going to be short as it's late at night, but I will work on Part 4.

Edit: 28/01/2024 - Added onto the chapter.

"What was his name?" The Doctor asks as he helps Daisy to drag the dead body of the secretary into a cupboard where the Prime Minister's body is.

Harriet looks at them. "Who?"

"Him." Lucinda points at the body with her tiny fingers and then tilts her head at Harriet. "Do you need glasses?"

Daisy sniffles a laugh at her Goddaughter's boldness. "Sweetie, you can't just ask that."

Lucinda turns to Daisy and smiles innocently. "Why not? She couldn't see the body in front of her."

The Doctor grins and picks up Lucinda into his arms, sitting her on his side and tickles her gently earning a laugh out of her mouth.

Harriet just blinks at the three. "I don't know." She shrugs. "I talked to him. I brought him a cup of coffee. I never asked his name."

Daisy looks back at the body and crouches down, searching for a name tag and finds it attached to his suit. "Ganesh."

The Doctor turns his head to her. "You found out his name?"

Daisy nods at the nametag displayed on the dead man's suit. "Wasn't hard to find. Maybe after all this we can make sure his family and friends know he died an honourable death serving the country. They would never believe what really happened to him and it would put his parent's minds at ease, if he does have parents."

He nods in response, then looks at everyone in the room. "Right, what have we got? Any terminals, anything?"

Lucinda shakes her head. "No, dad." 

Daisy freezes for a moment, then slowly turns to Lucinda with wide eyes that she immediately gets back control of and shapes them back to normal as she tries to process if what she just said was actually said or not. "Sweetie, did you just-"

Lucinda nods, grinning at her and the Doctor as she jumps down from his arms and looks innocently at them. "I know this is sudden, but you two are my parents to me. Even the Doctor called us part of his family before."

Daisy's smile widens and she glances towards the Doctor to see him with tears shining in his eyes, though he seems to be holding them back. "Sweetie, if you want to call me, 'mummy' or 'mum' then I am fine with that as to me, you are my daughter in every way but biological."

Lucinda runs into Daisy arms, and in response Daisy hugs her tightly, crouching down to her level and kisses her forehead. "Mum."

"Yes Lucy?" Daisy smiles at her daughter.

She gestures to the Doctor with her head. "Why is dad crying?"

Daisy picks Lucinda up into her arms and steps over to the Doctor after glancing at Harriet to see her looking through some files. "Doctor-"

He cuts off her sentence by bringing his two favourite girls into his arms and kiss Daisy on the lips, then Lucinda on the forehead. "I have a family. A girlfriend and a daughter. My life is complete with you two in it."

Harriet looks up at them. "I'd hate to break up this moment, but our lives are at risk in here and so is the world!"

Daisy nods at her words and passes Lucinda into the Doctor's arms gently as she focuses back on what is happening right now. "Right, you're right. So, what we do know so far is that this place is antique. But what I don't get is, when that creature killed the Prime Minister, why couldn't have they used his body as a disguise instead? Or is there something I am missing?"

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