Aliens of London Part 3

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Daisy and Lucinda are holdings hands as they walk back towards the spot where the Tardis was parked about ten minutes ago.

"Oi, Daisy!" A man shouts from behind them.

Daisy pauses in her steps and turns her body around to see Mickey, but pushes Lucinda behind her. "Mickey-"

"You forgot about me!" He glares at her as he catches up to them. "It's been a year since you were last seen and everyone believes I killed you and Lucinda."

"That's not true." Lucinda shakes her head.

Daisy glances at her with a smile. "She's right, Mickey. Everyone actually thought at first I went travelling around the world with Lucinda, but then you had to go and say about the passport still being at your flat along with our things which does sound suspicious and would make people wonder what actually happened to us."

"That's not the point!" Mickey argues. "Five times I was taken in for questioning. Five times! No evidence. 'Course, there couldn't be, could there? And then I get Jackie and her friends whispering around the estate, pointing the finger at me and playing the loving and caring mother when we know the truth behind closed doors. I got stuff through my letterbox, and all 'cos of you and Lucinda."

"Leave Lucinda out of this!" Daisy hisses as she steps an inch towards him. "You can blame me all you want, but my little girl has nothing to do with this."

"And I waited for you and Lucinda to come back!" He continues as Rose and Jackie head over to them since they want to know what the shouting is about. "Twelve months, waiting for you, Lucinda, and the Doctor to come back!"

"Wait." Rose turns to Mickey. "You know about the Doctor too? Why didn't you tell us?"

"Yeah, yeah. Why not, Daisy? Huh?" Mickey glares at her. "How could I tell her where you really went with your goddaughter?"

"I Made my choice, Mickey." Daisy turns on her heel to walk away with Lucinda. "Myself and Lucinda are better off with the Doctor than we are here."

"Will someone tell us about this Doctor?" Jackie raises her voice and crosses her arms.

"I might as well, 'cos you're stuck here." Mickey smirks at Daisy and Lucinda as they turn back around at his words. "The Doctor's gone. Just now. That box thing just faded away."

"Now, that's were you're wrong." Daisy gloats at him. "He didn't leave us. In fact, I was the one who told him to go and invest-"

The sound of the Tardis coming from behind her cuts off Daisy's sentence.

"She told you so." Lucinda comments as she heads for the Tardis door with Daisy hot on her tail.

Daisy unlocks the door using her Tardis key and pushes it open to see the Doctor heading towards her and Lucinda.

"I did as you said." He picks up Lucinda into his arms and kisses Daisy's forehead. "I went and had a look. But the whole crash landing's a fake! I thought so. Just too perfect. I mean, hitting Big Ben. Come on. So I thought, let's go and have a look-"

"You ruined my life, Doctor." Mickey accuses as he, Jackie, and Rose enters the Tardis without permission. "They thought Daisy and Lucinda was dead. I was a murder suspect because of you!"

"Oh great." He rolls his eyes at Daisy who looks annoyed. "Just what I need, domestics."

"I bet you don't even remember my name." Mickey smirks.

Lucinda hides her head in the Doctor's shoulder as she doesn't like people arguing around her.

Daisy frowns at the Doctor and rubs Lucinda's back. "Sweetie, can you please go to your bedroom and don't come out until the Doctor and I knock on your door?"

Lucinda nods her head, and the Doctor places her down onto her feet. She runs over to the corridor, and the Tardis guides her with lights to her bedroom since usually the Doctor or Daisy would go with her to the bedroom just to make sure she doesn't get lost since the Tardis is bigger on the inside.

"Your name is Ricky." The Doctor answers Mickey after a few moments of making sure Lucinda isn't in hearing range.

"Doctor, let me handle this." Daisy steps over to Mickey and slaps him across the face with more force than she used on Jackie. "Don't you ever upset my little girl again!"

Mickey looks at her with shock and holds his cheek just knowing there'll be a hand print later.

Daisy turns back to the Doctor to see him smirking, whereas Rose and Jackie are heading for the Tardis door to get out of the 'alien spaceship.' "Right, back onto the subject of the spaceship that crashed. Was it a real spaceship?"

"Yep." The Doctor replies as he moves the console screen to show her, ignoring the sound of the Tardis door closing.

"If the crash landing is too perfect then why do it?" She tilts her head slightly at the console screen. "Unless they wanted people to panic and think they're being invaded."

"Funny way to invade, putting the world on red alert." Mickey looks at them and rubs his cheek where Daisy slapped him.

"Good point!" The Doctor wraps his arm around Daisy's waist and pulls her closer to him. "So, what're they up to?"

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