Aliens of London Part 2

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"I'm fine!" Daisy insists for about the tenth time to the Doctor since sitting on the roof with Lucinda between them. "Anyway, did we miss anything good within the year?"

"Middling." He shrugs casually.

"You know, you could be more useful!" She huffs playfully, tugging on his ear.

"Oi!" He winces, slapping her hand away playfully before rubbing his ear. "That hurts."

"You're such a girl!" Daisy laughs as Lucinda grins at them, enjoying the moment. "I still can't believe I slapped her."

"It was either you or me." The Doctor points out. "She was asking for it from what we heard."

"Have you ever slapped someone or been slapped?" Lucinda asks him out of curiosity.

"Not in my nine hundred years of time and space." The Doctor answers her, ruffling Lucinda's hair with his hand.

Daisy stares at him. "'re nine hundred years old?"

"Yep." He nods his head.

"Okay." She blinks before shaking her head. "Why is it almost every conversation that a normal human being would find weird just seems normal to me? Not like I could ever talk to another anyway about the stuff we've seen since the human race would never believe in aliens and creatures."

Suddenly, a loud horn blows, and a ship with black smoke behind it heads towards them. The Doctor pulls Lucinda and Daisy down onto the ground, and the ship flies over their heads. They look up and see it smash into Big Ben then crashes into the Thames.

The Doctor grins and urges Lucinda and Daisy towards the stairs.


The three run down a road to see police and army blocking off the roads leading towards the crash.

"It's blocked off." The Doctor comments as he looks around with his eyes for a way to get near the crash of the ship.

"We wouldn't be able to go there anyway." Daisy shakes her head. "We're miles from the City centre and it will be gridlocked and closing down."

"I know!" The Doctor grins at her and Lucinda. "I can't believe I'm here to see this. This is fantastic!"

Lucinda tilts her head at him. "Did you know?"


"Have you seen the ship before?" Daisy asks him.


Daisy sighs. "So you won't happen to know why it crashed then?"


"Well, I'm glad you're here." She comments in a teasing voice as a grin grows onto her lips. "Maybe your big ears can pick up something and it'll be useful."

"Oi!" He playfully glares at her at seeing her teasing smile. "Leave my ears alone."

"Never." Lucinda sticks her tongue out at him, and the Doctor starts to chase her.

Daisy giggles behind her hand as she watches them before remembering what just happened in London. "Doctor!" She calls to gain his attention. "What do we do?"

"Nothing we can do." He answers, picking up a laughing Lucinda into his arms and steps back towards Daisy. "Taking the Tardis would be dangerous since they already have one spaceship in the middle of London. We don't need to shove another one on top."

"We could watch it on the Tardis console screen." Lucinda suggests to them after getting her breath back.


"Big Ben destroyed as a UFO crash lands in Central London." A News reporter informs everyone watching the news on their TV screens. "Police reinforcements are drafted in from across the country to control widespread panic, looting and civil disturbance. A state of national emergency has been declared. Tom Hitchinson is at the scene."

"The police are urging the public not to panic. There's a help line number on screen right now if you're worried about friends or family."

Daisy walks into the console room carrying two cups of coffee and an apple juice. "What have I missed?"

"Nothing much." The Doctor shrugs as he crosses the room to pick up his cup and the apple juice for Lucinda who is far more interested in a book that the Tardis has given her from the library.

"They've found a body." Another news reporter announces, and the Doctor almost snaps his head at how fast he looks back at the screen. "It's unconfirmed. But I'm being told a body has been found in the wreckage. A body of non-terrestrial origins. It's being brought ashore."

Daisy stares at the Doctor knowing how he loves to investigate these things. "Go on, then."

He frowns at her. "What?"

"Go and do your thing." She encourages with a soft smile on her lips. "I'll stay here with Lucinda whilst you go and investigate what exactly crashed into the Big Ben."

"Are you sure?" The Doctor asks since he doesn't want to leave Daisy after overhearing her argument with Jackie and Rose. "I-I could stay here with you two."

"But the body has been brought here, Albion Hospital. The road's closed off. It's the closest to the river."

"Go and investigate." Daisy shakes her head fondly at him. "You may find out something no one else on planet Earth knows about since you are the alien expert here."

"It's not an invasion, though." The Doctor shakes his head, although he really does want to go and investigate that body. "That was a genuine crash landing. Angle of descent, colour of smoke, everything. It's perfect."

"Fine, then." Daisy smirks in reply. "Don't go investigate that body."

"No, that's not want I'm trying to say, my love." He quickly denies. "Maybe this is it. First contact. The day mankind officially comes into contact with an alien race. I'm not interfering because you've got to handle this on your own. That's when the human race finally grows up. Just this morning you were all tiny and small and made of clay. Now you can expand."

"Honestly, go!" Daisy steps over to Lucinda and runs her hand through her hair. "Me and Lucinda can go to the shops or a café to get a milkshake or ice cream whilst we wait for you to come back."

Lucinda stands up off the captain's seat and places her hand into Daisy's after putting a bookmark in the book to remind her which page she was on before placing it down on the seat. "Milkshake!"

Daisy smiles at Lucinda and nods her head before they head out the Tardis to let the Doctor do his own thing.

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