The Unquiet Dead Part 2 (Edited!)

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The Doctor and Daisy walk past carol singers who are singing, God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.

"You know, I've never loved Christmas season until today." Daisy comments to him with a distant look.

He looks at Daisy seeing the sadness on her face at whatever she's thinking about. "You don't have to talk about it-"

"No." She shakes her head in response. "It's just, my birthday is on Christmas Day but I've never celebrated it since my dad's death because it never felt the same without him there with me. Plus Jackie 'forgets' about my birthday every single year since the first Christmas came around after dad's death."

The Doctor nods his head in response as he feels his anger boiling at the fact Jackie has been treating Daisy as the black sheep of the family. He suddenly pauses in his steps.

Daisy stops and looks at him curiously to see him reaching into his pocket for something.

The Doctor pulls out a Tardis key. "Close your eyes."

She does as he says, and the Doctor opens her hand and places the cold metal into the palm of it.


Daisy opens her eyes and looks down at her hand to see the Tardis key then looks back at him with confusion.

"Tardis key." He answers her unasked question. "It's about time you had one since it's now yours and Lucinda's home as well as my own. And from now on, we're going to celebrate every Christmas and never miss a birthday."

She pulls him into a hug, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Thank you."

The Doctor returns her hug and feels his anger dying down immediately. "You don't need to thank me for anything, my love."

They pull back after a minute, and a boy selling newspapers catches the Doctor's eyes. He heads over and buys one off him.

"I got the flight a bit wrong." He comments, looking down at the newspaper.

"Is this a 'I told you so' moment about your flying?" Daisy grins at him.

He rolls his eyes naturally at her comment. "It's not 1860. It's 1869."

She keeps grinning at the Doctor for finding his annoyance a bit amusing. "Definitely a 'I told you so' moment."

"And it's not Naples." He continues.

"So, where are we, then?" Daisy asks him, crossing her arms.

"It's Cardiff."

"...Okay." Daisy nods her heads. "That's not too bad, I think."

Sounds of people screaming from the theatre reaches their ears.

The Doctor grins at Daisy. "That's more like it!" He places his hand out for her to take. "Care to investigate with me?"

Daisy places her hand into his and grins back at the Doctor. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

They take off running to the building and hurry inside to see a gas figure flying around.

"What the hell?" Daisy gasps. "What is that?"

"Fantastic!" The Doctor grins.

Daisy sees a man and a woman picking up an older woman who looks to be sleeping. "Doctor, I'm going to speak to them."

"Be careful!" He shouts as she runs after them. He makes his way onto the stage where another man is. "Shout if you need me!"

Daisy gets outside the building and walks up to the man and woman who are loading the older woman inside their funeral hearse. "Good evening. Can I ask, what's wrong with the woman?"

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