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First, I want to thank you all for the support, the votes on chapters, the comments, and just enjoying the book so much that you all want more. It's really helped me to gather the courage to start writing my books again on here after I went through a rough time in my life.

As for the book itself, I have a few changes and I want your opinions on this because I don't want to confuse everyone or make people go off reading this book series.

Father's Day!

I do want to write this episode, and I've been thinking about how not to make Daisy and the Doctor argue like Rose and the Doctor in the episode. So, here is what I have been thinking whilst planning and depending on which one sounds best, I will use it in the chapter.

~ Future Rose teleports in front of them and saves Pete Tyler then teleports away leaving Daisy and the Doctor stunned as they didn't see her face to know who saved him which then leaves them to deal with the consequences.

~ Daisy only wants to see her dad marry her mum after she tells him how she never seen her parents get married as she was at a friend's house because she wasn't well on the day.

The Partings of the Ways!

In the chapters, I will change quite a few things, same with Bad Wolf, but I'll leave them as a surprise. I am only writing down the major things that will change the plot of the series compared to the actual episodes.

~ Daisy not only becomes the Bad Wolf, but Lucinda accidentally looks into the Heart of the Tardis too.

~ Instead of the Doctor getting rid of the Vortex out of Daisy, a Dalek shot him once just as the Tardis lands and that is how he ends up regenerating into the 10th Doctor, leaving Daisy as the Bad Wolf and her body accepting the Vortex.

~ Daisy and Lucinda both step up to be Bad Wolf and Oncoming Wolf. (Oncoming Storm and Bad Wolf's child.)

Book Two

The Christmas Invasion

Since Daisy doesn't get on with Jackie and Rose, I am working out how to write this episode and need some help for ideas I have written down, but not sure which one to pick.

~ Daisy and Lucinda gets kicked out Jackie's flat, and is forced to leave the Doctor inside the flat, so she goes to the Tardis and they get teleported onto the ship, and the Tardis translates because of Bad Wolf. Daisy then sword fights using her power and wins.

~ Instead of the episode taking place inside Jackie's flat, Daisy gets Mickey's help to carry the Doctor back inside the Tardis and into his bedroom where the Tardis monitors his health whilst Daisy, Lucinda, and the rest deal with what's happening in London.

~ Any other ideas, place here!

Fear Her

~ Lucinda stays with Daisy, and only the Doctor and the Tardis gets taken by the drawing.

~ Daisy lets out Bad Wolf if Lucinda gets taken first, and the Doctor holds her back from slapping the creature inside Chloe even if he's mad himself.

~ Lucinda showing her potential after Daisy and the Doctor gets taken and she'll do anything to bring back her parents.

And just for those who are waiting for an update on here as I work out the plan for the first and second book to make sure there are no mistakes, I have many books and here is what I have so far on my profile, so please feel free to check them out! Each might have a different writing style I think...mainly because I wanted to explore the way I write books.

Also I need this question answering. If I were to write smut which I will be doing for a few of my original books and a crossover book that includes dark romance of a mafia boss being a stalker, how dark can it get? It's only because lately I've seen books being deleted by Wattpad for the sexual content in it, and I would hate for my book to be taken down.

I would place my books onto AO3, but I haven't learnt how to write books on there yet, but I am very good at finding the books I want to read. Just not writing them as I find it a lot different than it is on here...if that makes sense.

These are the books so far:

~ Harry Potter/Twilight/Mafia - Falling. (One OC is a mafia boss, the other is the daughter of Aro Volturi, named Rosie Swan. Dark romance, so trigger warnings have been placed in! It's in Rosie's POV!)

~ Harry Potter/Doctor Who

~ Merlin/Doctor Who

~ Harry Potter/Avengers

~ Doctor Who - A lot of books! We have the Doctor's daughter, the doctor having a sister, the doctor having a love interests a lot of the times in these books, we have Captain Jack Harkness as some love interests or even him as a father to the OC, and a brother.

~ Torchwood

~ Fifty Shades of Grey/Twilight

~ Harry Potter/Merlin

~ Descendants

~ Original books (Including one based on a future Minecraft roleplay that I may one day end up doing on my YouTube channel.)

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