Aliens of London Part 1

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Daisy steps outside of the Tardis with Lucinda and the Doctor to see they're at the Powell Estate. "How long have we been gone?"

"About twelve hours." The Doctor answers, crossing his arms.

"Right." She nods her head. "Well, I won't be long since I'm just dropping off this phone charger back to Rose."

"Are you okay to go alone?" He asks with concern.

"Yeah." Daisy breathes out as she straightens Lucinda's hair. "Keep each other entertained as I don't want small ears to hear and witness what they're probably going to say to me." With that being said, Daisy takes off to the stairs to get to her 'mother's' flat.

The Doctor and Lucinda lean against the Tardis looking around at their surroundings when Lucinda spots a newspaper and heads over to it out of curiosity.

"Why does the newspaper say 2006?" She asks, holding it up for the Doctor to look at.

"What?" He steps over to her and looks at the date to see it's been 12 months, not 12 hours. He widens his eyes knowing she could be in more danger with her mum and Rose. "Daisy!"


"I've only come to bring back Rose's phone charger!" Daisy announces as she opens the flat door. "I haven't come to listen to either of you having a go at me again." She looks at Rose and Jackie who are both frozen with the dirtiest glares on their faces, but Daisy ignores them and takes out the phone charger from her jacket pocket. "Listen, here's your phone charger." Daisy then places it down onto the table in the living room and heads back towards the door to leave. "Now, I'm going back home, bye!"

"Daisy!" The Doctor shouts, running over to her with Lucinda beside him. "It's not twelve hours. It's twelve months. You two have been gone a whole year."

Daisy blinks and glances over her shoulder to see Jackie and Rose still glaring at her.

"Sorry." He winces.


"Travelling!" Jackie shouts as she paces up and down the living room, glaring at Daisy who rolls her eyes at the fact her mother is repeating everything she told her despite Mickey saying almost the same lie as her when Daisy and Lucinda went missing all those months ago. "Where? Mickey said your passport and clothes are still at his flat!"

"Does it matter where?" Daisy asks her with a voice full of annoyance, glad the Doctor took Lucinda outside so she didn't have to witness any of this. "You and Rose have never cared about me since dad died. I have felt like the odd one out and the only child who grew up not knowing what being loved felt like until I met my friend who helped me and Lucinda to move away and start a fresh new life."

"Because you're nothing but a spoiled brat who likes all the attention to be on herself." Rose speaks up from sitting on the couch.

Daisy turns her gaze on Rose and glares at her. "You're one to talk, Rose. You always made everything about yourself, especially around Mickey." She shakes her head sadly. "The poor boy doesn't deserve you as his girlfriend, he needs to higher his standards and find someone who will truly treat him right."

"I should have aborted you when I had the chance!" Jackie spits out at Daisy, not liking that she is picking on her favourite golden child. "You're probably the reason why Pete killed himself 'cos he couldn't handle you! At least Rose has made all the right choices and never did anything this stupid just like you did when you decided to take in Lucinda instead of letting the bastard child go to a children's home."

Daisy feels pure anger take over her body and slaps her mother across the face, sending her falling to the floor. Jackie holds her cheek in shock. "I wish dad never met you, and from now on, you're no longer my mother, and Rose is no longer my sister. To me, you two are nothing."

"You have no right to speak to her like that." Rose tells her as she jumps up from the couch and steps in front of Jackie as she sees Daisy clenching her hands into fists as if she wants to punch 'their' mother. "Get out!"

"With pleasure!" Daisy turns on her heel and storms out the flat, slamming the door behind her to see Lucinda and the Doctor looking at her with sad eyes and knows they heard everything.

Author's Note: Sorry this is so short, Darcy (my dog) keeps climbing on my laptop and wanting my attention all the time. I'm waiting for her to sleep then I can either edit this chapter or work on the next one which will be longer.

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