The End of the World Part 2 (Edited!)

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Author's Note: I will be editing this later to add on since there isn't much to read but here is what I have so far. I would have written far more but life and personal matters like to get in my way.

Edit: Sorry it took a bit longer for me to continue writing. I was hoping to have this finished on the same day...well, I kind of did since it is just one minute after midnight.


The Adherents walks over next.

"Ah! The Adherents of the Repeated Meme." The Doctor greets. "I bring you air from my lungs."

A small ball is offered to the Doctor, but Daisy takes it into her hand.

"A gift of peace in all good faith."

"And last but not least, our very special guest." The Steward announces. "Ladies and gentlemen, and trees and multiforms, consider the Earth below. In memory of this dying world, we call forth the last Human. The Lady Cassandra O'Brien Dot Delta Seventeen."

Lucinda squeaks as a stretch of skin on a frame is rolled into the room.

Daisy passes the Doctor the metal ball then lifts up Lucinda into her arms, rubbing her back in comfort as she hides her head into Daisy's neck. "It's okay, sweetie."

"Oh, now, don't stare." Cassandra orders as the two men in white stand on each side of her. "I know, I know. It's shocking, isn't it?"

"Definitely something." Daisy mutters to the Doctor, and he chuckles under his breath and runs his hand through Lucinda's hair.

Lucinda pulls back her head a little to look at him, and the Doctor grins at her.

"I've had my chin completely taken away and look at the difference." Cassandra continues. "Look how thin I am. Thin and dainty. I don't look a day over two thousand. Moisturise me. Moisturise me!"

"She's old." Lucinda comments without thinking about what she's saying first.

Daisy looks at the ground and bites her lip to restrain from laughing.

"Truly, I am the last Human." Cassandra forces her voice to sound sad. "My father was a Texan, my mother was from the Arctic Desert. They were born on the Earth and were the last to be buried in its soil. I have come to honour them and say goodbye." She pretends to cry, and one of the men wipes her eyes. "Oh, no tears, no tears. I'm sorry. But behold, I bring gifts. From Earth itself, the last remaining ostrich egg." A large egg is rolled in. "Legend says it had a wingspan of fifty feet and blew fire from its nostrils. Or was that my third husband?"

Lucinda looks at Daisy to say something.

"No." Daisy whispers, shaking her head. "We can talk about it back in the Tardis, later. For now, try to be nice."

"Oh, no. Oh, don't laugh. I'll get laughter lines. And here, another rarity." Cassandra announces as a jukebox comes into the room. "According to the archives, this was called an iPod. It stores classical music from humanity's greatest composers. Play on!"

Daisy places down Lucinda and spins her around to the music.

"Refreshments will now be served." The Steward announces. "Earth Death in thirty minutes."

The Doctor pulls Daisy into his arms before spinning her outwards then back into his arms. The two make eye contact before looking at each others lips.

Daisy trails her eyes back up to his eyes to see them still lingering on her lips.

Unexpectedly, The Doctor pulls her closer to his chest and latches his lips onto hers before Daisy can pull back.

Shock washes over her like a wave, but Daisy soon finds her body responding faster than her brain can pick up what it is doing as she kisses him back. Now, Daisy isn't one for kissing just anyone. Now thinking about it, Daisy can't remember if she's ever kissed anyone before today but she does know one thing. This kiss is making her heart flutter, her stomach turning to knots, her legs going weak, and the feeling of lust for more than just his soft, banana flavoured lips.

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