The Unquiet Dead Part 3 (Edited!)

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"You're not allowed inside, sir." The maid says as the Doctor and Dickens push past her.

The Doctor looks at the lamps then at the walls. "There's something inside the walls. The gas pipes. Something's living inside the gas."

"Let me out!" Daisy shouts, banging on the door. "Come on, I won't harm you, just break in your face a little until you're no longer breathing."

"That's her." The Doctor widens his eyes at her voice and runs down the hallway, pushing the undertaker into the wall on his way past.

"How dare you, sir!" He glares at the Doctor before turning to Dickens. "This is my house!"

Dickens rolls his eyes. "Shut up."


Daisy looks behind her and dodges the hand of the man coming for her throat. She kicks him into the door before grabbing his hands and throws him at the table, enough to knock the coffin onto the floor with a loud bang. Daisy then sees the older woman coming for her and grabs her neck, snapping it with a sickening crunch before she falls onto the floor, unmoving.

"I'm so glad Lucinda isn't here." Daisy mutters to herself, dusting off her hands.

Suddenly, the door bursts open, and the Doctor runs in and hugs Daisy.

Daisy slowly wraps her shaking arms around his neck and breathes in his smell knowing she's safe and not in danger anymore.

"Are you alright?" He asks her, taking in the dead corpses on the floor.

She nods her head in reply. "I had it covered."

"It's a prank. It must be." Dickens comments in disbelief. "We're under some mesmeric influence."

"No, we're not." The Doctor shakes his head. "The dead are walking."

Daisy looks at the man behind the Doctor. "Who's your friend, Doctor?"

"Charles Dickens." He answers, gesturing to the man with his head.

Daisy grins at Dickens. "Pleasure to meet you."

The Doctor looks back at the corpses on the floor. "My name's the Doctor. Who are you, then? What do you want?"

"Failing. Open the rift." A man's voice answers, although it comes out like 9 to 12 voices speaking at once. "We're dying. Trapped in this form. Cannot sustain. Help us! Argh!" The corpses open their mouths to release the blue gas like things with a scream before collapsing back onto the ground.


Daisy shoves Sneed into the wall of the living room with a frightening glare written on her face before the Doctor could stop her. In fact, he's standing on the other side of the room with amusement showing through his eyes but pride written on his face knowing she's defending herself and getting payback at Sneed for what he and the maid did to her.

"You grabbed me, then your maid knocked me out." She pushes him into a table, watching him fall over onto his back. "And don't think I didn't feel your hands trying to go lower, you sick old man!"

"Wait, what?" The Doctor glances at her before turning his face to Sneed with no emotion of his face as he processes her words.

"And if that isn't worse, you then thought it would be okay for me to be placed in a room with two corpses that had the blue gas creatures in them!"

"I won't be spoken to like this!" Sneed shouts.

"Did I say you could talk?" Daisy snaps at him, and Sneed goes quiet and gulps at her expression. "And in that sick mind of yours, you thought it would be okay for you to go and swan off and leave me to die! So come on, talk pervert! Or better yet, I should just kill you and snap your neck like I did to the corpses in that room!"

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