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*Trigger Warning* - Mental Health!


That's right, I am finally back to working on all my books on here once again, and I know it's been a while since my last update on chapters.

But the reason for that was my ill, it took a bad turn, one I haven't had since I lost my dad last year, but I guess with all the stress plus personal issues and health issues being found a few months ago, I just...stopped caring about myself and wanted to sleep the world away. Without my family, I would still be sleeping the world away, but they gave me a wake up call and got me to a doctor who has placed me on the right medication to get my mental health back to normal and referring me to see someone about my problems and how I stopped looking after myself and eating properly, just snacking instead of normal proper meals.

So, now I am feeling like myself again, my books will be updated and everything will go back to normal on here.

I also have to say....WOW! When I last updated my book according to the Word Document I have, this book only had 3.5k views and 100 votes, but now I have come back to 7.1k views and 365 votes. Thank you all for the support and love on this book!


17/12/2023 - I'm still fighting through my depression because I fell back a little because of more personal issues going on lately. Anyway, I am currently on the stage where I am going through the plans for books, including the new ones I am uploading soon.

I have mafia, crossovers, and more Doctor Who books being uploaded, and a Christian Grey book. So, that one will be a crossover of Fifty Shades of Grey and I am stuck on picking between Twilight, Marvel, or Harry Potter, though I won't be going along with any storylines properly, but there could be mentions of things that happened in books and movies. Also, I can't write smut for the life of me, so most likely there won't be smut unless I give it a try.

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