chapter 4

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I slowly wake up feeling very sick, i open my eyes and see Nathan laying the hospital bed infront of me, he was asleep.
I take my phone out of my pocket its 10:45 in the morning, i jump up.
My parents are gonna kill me if they find out i Sneaked out.

'nathan wake tf up' i say as i shake his arm.

'oh hey Jaz' he says as he rubs his eyes and sits up.

'we need to leave' i say as a Docter enters the room.

'mr, we talked to the rehab unit and they decided thats it better if you come back to a other 2 years of rehab you will be leaving in 30 minutes' the Docter says as he smiles at me.

He walks out of the room as he waves bye.

'jazmine we need to run' he says as he unplugs himself from the machine that was checking his heart rate.

He gets up and takes my hand, he stand infront of the door looking around there were i few Docter standing there but we had to leave.

He holds my hand tighter and starts running out of the hospital, i run as fast as i can next to him.

We ran out of the hospital into a supermarket close by.

'i am kinda hungry' i say as i take a bag of pretzels and a small bottle of coke.

'nathan what do you want?' i ask

He takes a bottle with orange juice and a bag of chips, i walk to the cashier and take my card out of my pocket.

' jazmine i am paying' he says as he pushes me away and gives the guy 10 dollars.

We walk out of the store.

'happy i got away out of rehab' he says laughing.

'so what? You can die of a overdose?' i ask already regretting what i said.

He sighs

'i didnt mean to-',

'no, no i get it' he says seeming kinda offended?

'i mean you did overdose' i say softly

'yes lightly, i wasnt gonna die', he says annoyed.

'well what? Is that your plan? Acting like you are so i love with me and than just die?' i ask

'why are you such a bitch?' he says

'whatever' i say as i walk away.

' wait jazmine'i hear him yell.

I run to the bus stop and wait for the next bus, how can he be such a dick and call me a bitch m? I will never take that much disrepsect of a guy that overdosed on out first day.

I walk in to the bus, as my phone rang.

It was my dad-

'hey dad' i say trying to sound tired .

'hey hunny i just went to work, i left some money on the table and your mom also left for work, we didnt want to wake you up' he says sounding way nicer that normal.

'oh yea thats fine, thanks dad' i say.

'you know i do love you honey? I see that you have being struggling a bit but me and your mom are so proud' he said as a tear rolled down my cheeck.

'yea love you to dad' i say as i hang up.

I dont know why that made me tear up so bad, i just think that sometimes i miss being my dads little girl.

I get out of the bus and walk to my house i kept on thinking about everything that Happend, i want in the wrong right? I just needed a friend right know.

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