Chapter 22

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i enter the court house, it felt like i could throw up any minute, i dont know if it is because i got drugged 2 days ago or because i am dead nervous.

I sit down in the court room, i was looking at the clock in 5 minutes Nathan will walk in and tell the story of that happend, after that i will.

I look at the guards that walked in.

Nathan sat down on the chair next to the judge.

He was wearing a orange jumpsuit and he was handcuffed.l, his hair was messy and i covered his face, he looked even more Rhin than the last time i saw him.

I saw lukes parents the mom couldnt stop balling her eyes out.

I look over at Nathan as he is already looking at me.

I never had this type of eyecontact with Nathan.

'ok mr major, take the stand' the judge says.

Nathan stands up.

'yesterday night my girlfriend, came home from going out with a friend, when i saw her being carried out of his car,i took her away from him, she told me that he drugged here while she was throwing up blood' he says as he sits down again.

'miss Davis, take the stand' the judge says.

I get up.

'i went to a restaurant with Luke, he was kinda weird but i didn't think anything off it, than he got me a drink at the restaurant and he told me to drink, i didn't expected to be drugged, he brought me home, and Nathan was there, after i told him he putted something in my drink.
He punched Luke a few times before he passed out' i say as i sit down again.

I was dead nervous, in a few minutes i will find out if Nathan is gonna spend the rest of his life in jail or if he will be free.

'in luke's phone we found messages that proof that miss davis did get drugged by Luke White' he says.

'so that means that nathan major is set free with self defense murder, miss davis lukes family decided to donate 500k to sexually assualt survivors' he says.

BANG 'case closed' he says as the guards take the handdcuffs of nathan

'miss Davids, please wait on Nathan downstairs' the court security said.

I sit down on a chair, it felt like my life was spinning.

I felt sick, happy, mad,confused,sad.

Tear rolled down my face, i fucking hate everyone.

I am thankful for the fact that Nathan saved my life but i dont think i can keep on doing thisz it feels like i have lost myself in his illness.

'hey Jaz' Nathan says softly.

'were not doing this, Nathan were done' i say as i wipe my tears.

'i came back for you, i fucked up, i love you ' he says.

'no, i am not doing this, you always picked Olivia over me, and i am not gonna be the girl you settle for just because you and Olivia didn't work, i wont do it' i say mad

'i always picked you over Olivia' he says.

'you left me alone in the woods and went to Olivia' i say as i wipe away my tears again.

'and i am so sorry' he says.

'i loves you and you could just never accept the love because you are a selfish and just straight up a shit person .' i say mad.

'i love you even if you hate me' he says.

'you dont love me' i say softly

He sighs

'i care about you and i hope you get better, but not with me'  i say.

'but i love you jazmine'' he says in tears.

'i forgive you Nathan and i care about you but we dont work' i say as i get up to walk away.

He grabs my arm.

'jazmine i am fucking sick, please i love you' he says.

'you make me sick Nathan, you destroyed my mentall health with your isseus' i say as i walk off.

I walk out of the building as i sit down in my car.

I put on my seatbelt as i drive off.

Tears rolled down my check, i hate that i can never tell if i am doing the right thing, its litterly a curse.

I park infront of my house.

There was still a blood stain of Luke on the ground.

3 days ago there was a actual dead body infront of my house, 1 month ago i was sleeping in a garage with Nathan, 3 months ago my father died.

I think i dont notice how fast thing go by in your life, i think people should think about that more.

I drop myself on the couch as i put on 'keeping up with the Kardashians'.

My mind was going everywhere.

I came to the realization that i havent seen or spoke with  my mom in months.

She called me in when we were in Texas but i threw my phone away.


this is what i mean that nathan litterly brainwashed me or something.

I get up from the couch, i need to buy a new phone and new clothes and k need to get my car cleaned, i need to make homework and i need to get food and i need to pay rent.

I just was die rn.

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