chapter 27

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i open my eyes, the hospital lights hitted my eyes, my mind felt empty, Like i could remember anything, i knew i could but it just felt empty, i liked the feeling.

my mouth was dry and my head felt heavy, very heavy.
Even tho i was very calm i felt my heart beating outside me chest.

I sit up, my arms felt weak, my body was stiff, i pull up my shirt and there were stiches on my ribcage.

I look at the glass of water next to me, my body was to weak to take it.

The machine connected to my arms and stomach, were showing my heart rate, blood pressure, iron level, its insane if you look at it, this machine can see everything that is going on with my body.

I take a deep breath, i use all my power to get up, i look in the mirror on the side, i looked surprisingly good.

'miss,please sit down' the nurse says.

'where is Nathan?' i ask confused.

'calm down' she says as she pushes me bed on the hospital bed.

'WHERE IS HE' i cry out confused.

It hitted me, i lost myself.

'shh, he is still asleep, he has your kidney' she says as she stroken my hair.

'i want to shower' i say softly.

'thats fine, i brought some clothes for you, from the thrift' she says as she gives me sweathpants and a croptop with a big vest.

'thank you so much, this is something i would actually wear' i says with a smile.

'i tried to copy the outfit that you came in here with' she says.

'why are you doing this for me?' i ask.

'i am trying to help a young girl' she says softly.

I nodd.

'i was in your position ones, i had a boyfriend, Dave, he was this Rocker and he had this band and everything and one day i woke up and my mom told me he dies' she says.

'i am sorry'

'and i knew he was addicted but i wanted him to like and think i am cool  so i just ignored it, untill i was too late' she says.

'do you feel that you should have done more?' i ask.

'i should have' she says.

'how old were you?' i ask.

'17, i heard that you turned 17 yesterday, so i got you something else' she says as she hands me a small bag'

It was a cute knitted bag.

'thank you so much' i say.

She nodds.

' i just wanna say that, you were young and it wasnt up to you what Dave did, you werent his mom' i say with a soft smile.

'thank you' she says with a smile as she wipes away her tears.

I nodd.

'and Jazmine, please dont do to much, you are a beautiful funny girl, dont let a boy ruien it' she says as she gets up and leave.

'dont let a boy ruien it' it ringed in my head.

What if he already did?

I take the clothes that i got and a towel as i go to the showers.

I do a full shower routine and i shaved, with the razors that they had there,they litterly have everything in a hospital i love it.

I brush my teeth put on some lotion, i putted on the outfit.

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