chapter 19

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Nathan has been missing for 5 days now, i went past the police station and the hospital no one knows where he is and no one seems to care, Nathan is right people treat him diffrent they see him as a junkie.

No one has seen him and what sucks more is that i threw my phone away so i cant call anybody and my car broke down and i am in the middle of Texas sleeping in my destroyed car while my boyfriend thats very sick is missing and my father is dead and i havent seen my mom in literal months.

I cant go anywhere i am litterly stuck in a fucking grass field with a lake where is shower in Thank god i still have shampoo and soap.

I brush my teeth with bottles of water and toothpaste and i wear nathans clothes because all mine are dirty.

I decided to go look for people maybe someone will help me fix my car.

I walk around as i saw the old gas station.

I ran inside and the guy was there.

'heyy' is say excited.

'oh hey, how are you?' he asks.

'uhm my boyfriend thats was throwing up is missing and my car broke down, so not so good' i say stressed.

'wait your boyfriend is missing? He was here 2 days ago he asked me if i sold drugs?' he says confused.

'where did he go? I ask confused.

'i am pretty sure he stole some pain killers and he told me about his grandma'

'could you maybe help me fix my car? Bryan?' i say as i read his name tag.

'i will do it only because you are insanely beautiful' he says with a smile.

I think he is maybe jokingly flirting?

'where is your car?' he asks.

'at the grass field down 44 road' is say.

'okay thats fine get in' he says as he opens the car door for me.

'i am gonna pull your car up the hill with mine and than i am gonna fix it and than we can go find your boyfriend' he says with a smile.

'its there' i say as i point at my car.

He pulls over as he connects my car to his truck, Bryan had mid length blonde hair and dark blue eyes, he was a little taller than me and a lot shorter than Nathan.

He sits back down in the drivers seat.

'lets go fix your car' he says with a smile.

'thank you' i say with a smile.

'everything for a pretty girl like you' he says with a grin.

'you are really a flirt huh?' i ask.

'ofcourse' he says with a grin.

We drive up the hill as we stop at the gas station.

He opens the card door for me.

'a real gentle man' i say with a smile.

He takes off his shirt as he looks at the engine and the motor.

'take a picture it lasts longer' he says with a grin.

'trust me, i wasnt looking' i say.

I sit down on the the ground as Bryan gives me more gas, fixes my car, and changed the oil all for free.

'were done' he says.

'thank you so much' i say as i hug him.

'ofcourse' he says as he hugs me back.

I pull away as he keeps his hand around my waist.

He leans in, i panicked.

'uhm-' i say softly as i turn my face away.

'what? You are telling me you werent flirting with me?' he says confused.

'i mean i am inlove with my boyfriend , i am only here so you can help me' i say softly.

'so you choose that drug addict that looks half dead? Over me a gentleman with money and i own a fucking gas station' he says mad.

'yes, i do prefer my boyfriend over you, anyday' i say as i get into the car.

'fuck you Jazmine' he says as i drive off.

I did kinda use Bryan but he know i have a boyfriend and i rejected him straight away he wouldnt have helped me.

Its a 5 hours drive to Nathans grandma house, i can make it before midnight if i leave now.

I start driving as i put on the radio, i tried putting on some hype songs but i am worried sick about Nathan.

4 hours later-

I was almost ar his house i was so fucking nervous i am actually gonna throw up, what if he died?

I get out of the car as i see his house, i wonder why he made fun of me being 'rich' while his grandma has a whole fucking mansion.

I knock on the door.

I hear footsteps coming closer to the door.

'hello?' the grandma says as she opens the door.

'hello have you seen nathan?' is ask worried.

'he is upstairs, he wanted to go look for you but we decided its better if he stays at home' she says.

'is he still sick?' i ask.

'he is always sick, Nathan is just sick' she says.

'can i please see him?' i ask.

'look, you love him and he loves you and its all so cute and i am so happy he found someone that actually cares about him but Nathan is sick' she says.

'i dont get it? So i cant see Nathan?' i ask confused.

'i think its better if you dont' she says with a fake smile.

'it isnt fair i have been through everything with Nathan you guys sended him away' i say.

'young lady, learn respect' she says.


I think that living outside is getting to my mind.

'jazmine?' Nathan asks as he passed the open front door.

'nathan, i am sorry about what i said' i ay as i walk up to him.

'my God Jazmine i am happy youre okay, i was worried sick i went looking for you but didn't see you' he says as hugs me.

'i reported you missing' he says reliefd.

'what?' i say confused.

'yea they admitted you missing'he says.

'nathan, please go back to your room' his grandma says.

' i finally see Jaz after thinking she is missing for-' as a voice cuts him off.

'omg Julia?' Olivia says.

'my name is Jazmine' i say back.

'oh sorry me and nate were kinda busy, can you maybe come over later?' she asks with a grin.

'jaz i was just-' Nathan says as i cut him off.

'no Nathan its fine' i say as i walk off and i get into my car.

I drive off as fast as i can in tears.

I fucking hate him, this isnt fucking worth it.


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