chapter 17

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3 hours later-

i woke up to someone opening the hospital door.

'hey, i just wanna say Nathan is awake, you saved his life' he says.

I jump up.

'i wanna see him' i say.

'you can! Just know he is still very sick and we kept the life support in just to be sure' he says.

'yes i get that, whats the procent of surviving now?' is ask.

'99,5' he says with a smile.

I follow him back to the hospital room, i was dead nervous.

Nathan layed on his back looking at the ceiling, it seemed like Nathan seemed to get sicker and sicker everyday.

'nathan' is say softly as a tear rolls down my eyes.

'jazmine' he grunts.

I walk over to the side of his bed.

'nathan i-'

'you saved my life' he says with a grin.

'after you saved mine' i say as i push his hair out of his face.

He smiles at me.

'you got stabbed because of me' i say as i play with his hair.

'i love you' he says as he puts his hand in mine.

'i love you more' i say as i kiss him.

'you guys are very cute and everything but Nathan, you need to do some things to get better' he says.

Nathan nodds.

'gain atleast 20 pounds, hopefully more and need to get sober 24/7' he says.

'can you do that Nathan?' he asks.

'yeah ofcourse' Nathan says.

'well we are gonna run some test and than you may leave if they come out good' he says as he walks out of the room and closes the door.

' i feel a lot better' he says as he sits up.

I nodd.

'i am sorry about what happend, you were right that guy is weird, i shouldve listend to you' he says.

'its okay' i say.

'were actually  insane' i say laughing.

'we are' he says with a grin.

'did they give you stiches?' i ask.

'yes' he says as he pulls his shirt up.

'jezus Nathan you are like the strongest person i know, you can litterly survive anything' i say.

'i can' he says as he leans in and kisses me.

This kiss felt like our first kiss, the best kiss i  ever had.

He smiles at me as i pull away.

'what are we gonna do after this?' Nathan asks.

'i dont know' i say softly.

'we can maybe just leave the country? We have the money for it' he says.

'are you Serious?' i ask.

'what? I thought we were running away' he says.

'yeah but what if we break up and i am alone in a foreign country, i am a minor Nathan'

'why would we break up?' he asks.

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