chapter 16

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Nathan pulls over the car as we stop infront of a old house, it was quiet and it didn't really look safe.

'is this it?' i ask.

'this is the adress he wrote down' Nathan say as he takes my hand and walk up to the house.

'nathan are you sure this is the right thing to do?' is ask.


He knocks on the door.

I hear heavy foot steps come close to the door.

'hey love birds yall are here' he says as leaves the door open for us he had a can of beer in his hand but he seemed pretty normal.

We walked into his house and it looked pretty warm and nice from the inside.

'thank your or letting us stay here sir' Nathan says with a smile.

'oh ofcourse,sit down' he says as he points att eh 2 chairs infront of him.

Me and Nathan both sit down while holding each others hand.

'i used to be inlove, her name was daicy' he says.

'she loved chocolate and the color Purple and a good amount of alcohol' he says laughing.

He picks up a picture of her and gives it to me.

'she is beautiful' is say.

'no, she wasnt she was a lying bitch that i only cared about her carrier' he says.

'oh i am sorry' i say as so give him the picture back.

'what are yall names?' he asks.

'my name is Brittannië' is say with a smile.

'i am alex' Nathan says.

Something about this guy is off.

'my name is Mark, Mark butler' he says as he takes a ciggerate.

I nodd with a smile.

'i have a room for you 2' he says as he gets up.

We follow him to the end of the hall way the room was pretty small, it was a Little cold tho.

' i hope yall like it' he says with a smile.

'yeah, i am a bit tired' i say.

'yeah okay, i am going out for a while, have fun kids' he says as he walks out of the door .

'he is so weird' i say Whisper.

'he is so sweet' he says as he looks through the drawer in the living room.

'nathan was are you doing?' i ask.

'we are not gonna stay here for long so i am gonna Barrow some money' he says laughing.

'put it back Nathan' i say mad.

'we need the money' he says as he takes a plastic bag and puts it all in there.

'how much money is that?' i ask in shock.

'like 10k' he says laughing.

'he will find out Nathan stop'

'we will leave tomarrow morning no one will know' he says.

'i trust you Nathan dont ruin this' i say.

I sit down on the couch as i the tv was still on a comedy show was playing.

Nathan jumps next to me.

As he lays on my lap.

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