chapter 9

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I was standing infront of my house with Nathan, he looked kinda sick its probably with drawal.

'are you oke Nathan?' i ask

'yes bby' he says with a little smile.

I ring the bell*

'hello?' the woman says that we saw the last time,nathans mom.

I look over at Nathan he looked suprised and sick.

"Why are you here?' i ask.

She gives me a dirty look.

'wow my whore of a mom is still fucking a married man' Nathan says laughing.

His mom sighs.

'mom it such a fucking slut no wonder that my dad left you, you just cant keep men out of your mouth'

'is my father home?'i ask.

'he is upstairs i will call him down' she says.

I take Nathans hand and walk into my house.

'i am sorry' nathan whispers.

I see my dad walk downstairs.

'hunny!' he says as he tries to hug me.

'dad dont touch me' i say as i move away from him.

He sighs and tries to shake nathans hand.

'the whore fucker' nathan say laughing.

'dont talk about your mom like that boy' my dad  says.

Nathan walked scary close to him.

'fuck you' Nathan says softly in his face.

This is so uncomfortable.

Nathan walked away from my dad and walks up to his mom, she looked scared or maybe she is just ugly idk.

'you leave this man alone or i will get people to shoot this place up and thats not gonna be this nice' he says.

Is he actually Joking? Treating to shoot up my house.

'nathan what te fuck?' i say kinda shocked  that he would say something like that.

I walk out of the house, really? Him asking to follow only to threaten my dad? Whats his issues?

I see Nathan walking out of the house and taking my hand.

'nathan what was that? Are you insane?' i say mad

'i was obviously not serious calm down, i dont even have a gun' he says laughing.

'that isnt funny, dont joke like that' i say .

'i am sorry, you know i love' he says as kisses my cheeck with a grin.

'i cant stay mad at you' i say as i take his hand.

Sometimes its hard to understand what Nathan wants it thinks, if he is happy or sad? I just dont get him.

We walked over to the park that was pretty close to my house,the park had a lot of red roses there and a river, the soft sounds of birds.

'this is so beautiful' he says as he looks at the roses

I nodd with a smile.

'just like you' he says as he pushes my hair out of my face.

We sit together on the grass,the sun was shining on Nathan.

'ur very pretty' i say with a small smile.

'you are the first person to tell me that, well other than my mom' he says laughing.

'no actually Nathan, ur eyes, ur hair,ur lips, your height, your smile, your sweet personality, you dont feel real' i say with a smile.

'you should write poetry' he says as pulls a little flower out of the ground.

I smile.

We talked for an other hour about his parents relationship and his plans after school we both wanna go to Italy and just start over with life,we both want a nice job and get married maybe were thinking to much in the future but its nice to think about the future but we both agree on that it isnt gonna get any better here.


It was Layla, i put my phone on quiet.

'who was that?' Nathan asks.

'i am going Home ' i say as i get up.

He looks at me suprised but i just ignore it,
i dont know if i just hate having a fight with Layla or if i am actually tired? But i just need to be alone.

I walk home as fast as i can, as i leave the park i still see Nathan sitting there,wich made me feel terrible.

I opened the door with my key and no one was home, typical.

I take apple from the counter as i see that Layla sended a voice mail.

'Hey Jazmine i just  wanna say sorry about everything i have done i am honestly a shit friend and i should have let you date who ever, you are the only person i have i love you jazzy'

I listen to it twice as i understood why she did it is mean everything is going to fast maybe i should just take a break from Nathan and Layla and just work on myself.

3 hours after-

I was getting ready for bed, i ate dinner with my dad.
It was silent and he didn't  say anything about nathan or his mom, wich was nice?

I put on short and a thank top, i lay down on my bed and looked at the ceiling i dont know what i am doing.

I almost fall asleep as i hear something hitting my window.

I get up and look out of the window and as expected Nathan, i open up my window.

'are you okay? You left out of nowhere?' he yells from outside.

'nathan go home, ' i Whisper yell.

'what?' he says back

'never mind then' he says as he walks away.

'i need space from you, leave me alone' i say regretting it the minute i said it.

'nevermind then' he says as he walks off.

The cold air from the window hitted my face,i close my window and layed down.

I hate myself-

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