chapter 25

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I get into emy's car as she drives off, she made a few phone calls and it seemed like people were coming way to early.

'these fucking bitches are their 1 hour early' she says mad

'well i am happy that they are excited' i say trying to cheer her up.

'ugh they are so retarted' she says.

'omg Emy you cant say that' i say.

'whatever' she says laughing.

I roll my eyes

You could hear the music from the club a block away.

I step out out of em'ys car, the party was gonna start in 20 minutes but it was already very busy.

Emy was wearing a tight short pink dress with black long boots, her hair was up in a ponytail and her make-up was flawless!

We walk into the party, people ere dancing, drinking, eating, singing and the Afrojack was performing, i was more than impressed.

Everyone from school was here, well all the cool people, there were also people there that i have never seen before.

Emy climbs on one of the tables as she takes a mega phone.

'are yall ready to party?' she yells.

'YEAHHHH' the crowd says back.


'YEAHHHH' they yell again.

'LETS DO THIS' Afrojack yells as he puts the music on again.

'lets take shots' Emy says laughing.

We walk to the drink table as we fill in 4 shots.

We both take 2 and after i bite in a lime.

I wasnt good at drinking because i couldnt stand the taste but i wanted to have fun today.

'WOOO' Emy says as she takes her last shot.


The party was getting really busy and i took way to much shots.

I lost Emy when we were dancing together, but i saw Maddison handing out drugs.

I walk up to Mafdison.

'maddison, i am drunk' i say with the worst head ache ever.

'omg Jaz i just saw Nathan' she yells.

'shh where?' i ask.

'he went to the bathroom' she says.

'oh' i say.

'want some?' she asks as she gives me 2 small bags with a pill in it.

'serously madison' i say mad.

'fuck it' she says as she puts 2 pills in her mouth.

'fuck you' i say as i take a pill from the table.


'SHUT UP' i say laughing.

I look over at the bathroom as i see Nathan walk out of it.

He was wearing black straight jeans with a hoodie.

'how do i look?' i ask maddison.

'so hot, i wanna fuck you' she says obviously high.

to be honest it was also kicking in for me.

Nathan walks into my way.

'omg Maddie hide me' i say laughing.

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