chapter 26

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They Puth the bed in the hospital room he was still shaking, his mouth was still going and he was covered inthrowup, so was i.
At this point i was balling my eyes out, i could help but feel guilty, if i just didn't go to the stupid party and didnt try to fit in with Emy, maddison and liv, Nathan wouldnt be having seizure's.

'miss please come with me' a Docter said, he was balding, he had green eyes and looked kind of tired.

'is he gonna die?' i ask.

'i cant answer that but you need to fill this in' the Docter says.

'whats is this?' i ask.

'you get to decide what happens if he- if he does pass away' he sighs.

'what' i say confused.

'this is what the Docter told me to do' he says.

I decided to sign the stupid papers.

'i am kinda covered in throw up'  i say as a tear rolls down my cheek.

'we are doing our best' he says as he guves me a sweater and sweathpanths.

i change in the bathroom,the outfit wasnt even that bad, it was something i would actually like wear.

i run back to his office.

'where is his room?' i ask

'78' he says.

I run to that hospital room my eyes were scanning all the numbers.


I run into the room, he wasnt shaking anymore but he wasnt fine either.

'HEART STOP' the Docter yells.

They take 2 big tazers as they put it in his chest.

'they do this to wake up his heart' the nurse says.

' is he gonna die?' i ask.

'they will wake him up' she says.

'he didn't wake up' the Docter says.

'what does this mean?' i ask as tears rolled down my cheek.

'i will do it again' the Docter says.

They took of his shirt.

'its unsafe he is addicted' he has a weak heart' the nurse says.

he takes the tazers as he tazers his chest one more time.

I look at the machine in hope.

'HE IS AWAKE' the nurse yells.

I look at the machine his heart was beating, very slowly.

He opens his eyes slowly,his face was very pale his lips have lost their color his eyes are red/yellow-ish and his body looked weaker than it already did.

 as the machine started beeping again.

'kidney failure' the docter says as he presses a few buttons o the machine.

'whats happend?' i ask.

'open room 34 he is in for surgery' he says as he takes the hospital bed.

'whats going on?' i ask confused.

'nathan might actually survive' he says as he closes the surgery room behind him.

I walk to the waiting room, it felt like i was dying from the inside out, i cant handle this.

I still felt sick from the alcohol and pill that i took.

My eyes felt low and heavy and me still being drunk didnt really help.

'miss, come with me please' a Docter says.

I follow him to his office.

'sit down' he says as i take the chair and sit down.

I look around his office it had posters.

'be healthy, be happy'

'keep calm and eat your veggies'

this all ju
'a human has 2 kidneys, a big one and a smaller one' he says.

'can you guys please just fucking help Nathan and stop these stupid meetings?' o ask mad.

He sighs.

'people can live with 1 kidney if they are healthy, just like you are' he says.

'mhm' i say still confused.

'but if you get addicted to drugs and drink to much alcohol your kidney also dies' he says.

'what does this mean?' i ask.

'nathan needs a kidney, its his only chance of life' he says.

'okay' i say still shocked.

'and you have the same blood type and you are very healthy' he says with a smile.

'you want me to give my kidney to Nathan?' i ask.

'its up to you' he says.

'is it legal for a minor to donate a organ?' i ask

'no but we can twist some rules' he says with a smile.

'docters shouldnt have to twist rules' i say slowly.

'so you want your boyfriend to die? you just see him as some sad ill boy?' he says with a. Smirk

'fuck you, i will do it' i say annoyed.

'great, please get some sleep' he says.

They bring me into a Docters room with a  bed and a blanket.

I lay down as i pull the blanket over me.

I am litterly 16 still in highschool and i thought it was nice to have little boyfriend and now i have to be risking my life and taking care of someone while my parents are dead and missing, how is this ok?

'we are gonna put you to sleep, it wil only take a few hours and you will not feel anything, just a little scar on your ribcage' the nurse says.

'and if he gets better, than what?' i ask the Docter.

'than he can go home' he says.

'to keep using drugs and die?' i ask.

'he is 19 almost 20, its up to him'he says as he gives me a shot.

'whats the point of giving my kidney if you guys are not gonna help him?' i ask

'shh' he says as my eyes feel heavy.

'its my birthday tomarrow' i say as my body felt weak.

'Happy early birthday' he says.

I close my eyes, as i fell asleep.


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