chapter 23

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The next month of my life i have just been cleaning the house and buying new clothes, shoes, i legally own the house and my dads bank account, he has litterly 2.5mil on his account, i never really new that my dad was this rich, like actually very rich.

I went to school and i actually am gonna pass this year, they let me redo tests.

They have a big memorial for luke, he litterly tried to rape me, we should celebrate his dead.

Nathan has been going to school everyday, we dont look at eachother or speak or anything like that, he sat down infront of me and didn't turn around even one's.

Its grazy that i though we were meant to be less than 2 months ago, me and nathans relationship was already fucked up from the start, everything went way to fast wich made me go crazy.

Layla still ignores me and i figured that she has her reasons and i should just leave her alone.

I though that if everything in my life went fine i would be happy but, my father is still dead, my mom is still missing, i broke up with my first love and i lost my bestfriend.

I put on my shoes as i walk out of the door i step into my car, i put my bag on the back seat as i drive off.

The road was busy but it was only a 6 minute drive i will be fine.

We had prom in 6 days, obviously no one has asked me because people still think that me and Nathan are dating.

I park infront of the school, i take my bag as i walk in, people still stare at me because of the Luke thing and the Nathan thing and layla is talking mad shit about me.

I walk into my class.

The class where i met Nathan, science.

I sit down in the back of the class.

Class has started and Nathan is still not here, he has been pretty early the past few days.

Class went on and i was only thinking about Nathan, i still have the golden necklace he gave me i decided to put it in my dads jewelry box.

I found love letters that my dad wrote Nathans mom, it looked like they really loved eachother but i know that my dad is to selfish to ever care about anyone else.

Class ended.

I walk to my locker as i see Nathan walking in the hallway, it was obvious that he was using again, it was the first time in weeks that me and Nathan looked at eachother.

He almost stole my fucking soul with how deep he was looking in my eyes.

A tear rolled down my check as i look away.

I look back again and Nathan wasnt looking at me anymore.

As much as i dont wanna feel this way, i love Nathan and i wish, i wish i never broke up with me.

I walk into the bathroom, there was a group of 3 girls there, they were populair, pretty and known for being mean.

'hey' one of the girls said.

'oh hii' i sa back.

'i love ur hair' she says with a smile.

'thanks' i say back.

'my birthday party is tomarrow and i wasnt to invite as much cool people as possible, would you like to come?' she asks.

' i dont know' i say not sure.

'just come, its gonna be so much fun' they say.

'i will come, when does the party start?' i ask.

'its a night party so 00:00' she says.

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