chapter 2

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I woke up feeling better than normally, as soon as i woke up i was thinking about school, i probably had a nightmare about it.
i took a shower putted on some mascara and lipgloss.
I took a pair of overzised jeans a tanktop and a overzised vest that i got out of my dads closet.

While i was brushing my teeth i realised that my first class was science that means science with Nathan.
I think its gonna be more comfortable than fun.


I arrive at school i see Layla waking with jack, maybe j should apologize who knows if she is right?
I wanna walk up to her when someone taps my shoulder i turn around and see Nathan he looked very sick his under eyes were very red and he looked even more pale than normally.

'hey Nathan' i say

'jazmine come with me no quistions asked' he says very worried.

'sure- uhm yea' i say as i follow him.

'wait where are we going?' i ask.

'i need to show you something' he says.

he keeps on walking i am already late to class i might as well just follow him.

'how old are you?' is ask to start a convo

'19' he says back.

'how i am 16 and we are in the same class' i say very confused.

'i had to go to rehab for 2 years, a waste of time tbh because i relapsed' he says like its the most normal thing on earth.

'oh, sorry' i say back

He shrughs.

'why do you use?' i ask

'i thought it was better than killing
myself, but i doubt that sometimes' he says still seeming very chill.

'thats kinda sad to hear' i say

'you think?' he says

I just stay silent


' were here' he says

We were standing infront of a weird looking flat.

'nathan what are we doing here?' i ask

'i have to pick something up' he says

I follow him into the flat, for some weird reason i kinda trust him sometimes it feels like have known him for years.

We stop at a door number 16, he knocks.

'nathan wtf are we doing?' i ask again

'jazmine calm down' he says softly.

a tall guy opens the door shorter than Nathan but still pretty tall.

'nate what do you want today?' he asks

'just basic cocaïne and injections of heroin' he says

I look at him shock,he seriously took me with him to buy drugs.

'babygirl what do you want?' the guy that sold Nathan drugs asks

'she doesnt want anything' Nathan says.

'let this beautiful girl answer for herself' he says with a smirk.

'serously man back off man' Nathan says.

He gives the guy his money and walk away with 2 small bags, 1 with heroin injections the other with cocaïne.

'nathan are you fucking insane? Why would you bring me there?' i say mad.

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