chapter 20

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I went back home, my house was empty and dark.

There was no sign of my mom or anyone, i saw that Layla sended multiple letters trough mail, she must be worried sick.
After nathan broke and crushed and killed my heart i actually havent heard from him since.

It was the morning after coming back and i already had to go to school or they were gonna take me out of the school system.

I put on a overzised hoodie from my dad and sweatpanths and went to school with my Converse.

I took my book bike and got into my car, my car stil smelled like nathan so i sprayed a whole bottle of parfume in my car.

I driver to school with still puffy eyes of the night before i just dont get why he would do this to me.

I park my car infront of the school as i get out.

Some people were staring at me probably because i got a 500k car (its my dad).

I walk into the school, Layla was standing against her locker.

'hey' i say softly.

She rolls her eyes as she walks off.

I cant believe her she has no idea what i have been doing.

'layla wait' i say.

'jazmine if you want to skip school and ignore me, do it' she says.

'i wasnt ignoring you? I-' i say as she cuts me off.

'i dont wanna hear it' she says.

I am already hating today.

I walk back to my car, i actually cant do this.

As i open my car door a guy walks up to me, he was a bit taller than me, buzz cut and overzised clothes, he had green-ish eyes.

'hey Jazmine? Right?' he says.


'cool i am luke' he says as he shakes my hand.

'very cool' i say as i roll my eyes.

'youre nathans girlfriend?'

'we broke up'

'cool i will see you around' he says with a grin as he walks off.


I drive off back to my house, i cant do this i am sick of things smelling like him or reminding me of him like his fucking suitcase thats in the back of my car.

I park my car as i get into my house, i layed down on the couch as i put on the tv.

The Kardashians were playing, Kylie or Khloe are my faves.

But i cant feel 1 seconde of happiness because than i realize Nathan was cheating on me with Olivia.

I am seriously gonna kill that olivia bitch because she is so fucking annoying.


I wake up to someone knocking on my door.

I get up and open the door.

'hello would you like to buy some cookies for a good source?' 2 little girls ask.

'sure' i say as i take 10 dollars out of my pocket.

'its 1 dollar for 2' she says.

'i would like 20' i say as i give her 10 dollars.

'thank you' they say as they walk off.

I take a bite of the cookie i am pretty sure they are one of those Healthy cookies disgusting.

I sit down infront of my computer, i googled that olivia girl.

She has like 509 instagram followers and she posts a lot.

She is so obsessed with herself, what does Nathan see in her?

I scroll some more on her page, she posted a instagram story about missing Nathan because 'he went back home'.

Wait Nathan is going back home?

Why would Nathan come back here after everything? I mean seriously.

He fucked everything up.

I decided it was time to go out for coffee, coffee is life.

I put on my Converse as i take my car keys.

I cant stop thinking about Olivia and Nathan coming back, why would he come back now?

I start my car as i drive to the coffee shop, i feel so powerful since i have a car, its amazing.

I park infornt of the cafe.

I walk in, it was completely empty.

I used to go here with

'hey Jazmine what would you like?' luke says.

'hey luke how are you doing?' i ask.

'good how about you?' he says with a smile.

'yeah i am okay, can i get a venti ice coffee frapochino?' i ask with a smile.

I take my money out of my wallet.

'nah i will pay for it, who lets a pretty girl pay?'

'i will just pay, i dont need a boyfriend' i say as i give him the money.

'me neither, i need a wife' he says as he gives me the money back.

'mhm you are good with your words?'

'i am also good with other things' he says with a grin.

'i would have laughed but my ex made the same joke' i say.

'i will treat you better' he says with a smile.

'can i maybe take you out on a date tomarrow night?' he asks.

'a date? What kind of date?' i ask.

'what about going to this 5 star restaurant in main street? I dont have such a nice car like you do but i will pick you up in my bmw' he says with a smile.

'i dont know, i am kinda busy' i say as i take my coffee.

'i will pick you up at 8 and it will be fine' he says with a smile.

'okay see you then' i say as i walk out.

I honestly dont want to go on a date with him to a fancy restaurant, Nathan would go to the park or a picknick or watching stars, getting icecream, he knows what i like.

But maybe he is my soulmate and i will finally forget about Nathan.

I drive back home, as much as i am happy that i made a new friend i cant stop thinking about Nathan and its kills me.

I fucking hate my life.

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