chapter 14

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'nathan?' a male voice says.

A middle-aged man walked out of the house.

'dad?'nathan says as his voice cracks.

His dad runs up to him and hugs him.

'i missed my boy' his dad says as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"Dad what are you doing here?' Nathan asks as he whipes his tears.

'i just wanted to go back to good old texas' he says.

'yea me too, with my girlfriend Jazmine' he says.

'oh hello Jazmine' he says still in happy tears.

'hi sir' i say back.

We all sit down at the table, i sit next to Nathan and across from his grandma.

'so Nathan how long have you been sober?' his dad asks.

'uhm 7 moths' he says.

His dad smiles at him.

'thats amazing nate' his dad says Happy.

I look over at Nathan, he was very obviously lying.

'and you have a girlfriend? You are do amazing nate' his dad says.

I have never seen nathan this happy like ever, i cant ruien this.

'yea i feel great' he says with a smile.

The 3 it them had a conversation, i was obviously a outsider but its fine.

'what do your parents do?' the grandma asks.

'oh uhm my dad passed 2 days ago and my mom is missing' i say making it kinda awkward.

They all look at eachother in shock.

'oh well i am sorry' the grandma says not sounding sorry at all.

Nathan looks with me and mouths 'sorry' i give him a little smile.

' me and Jazmine actually wanted to go to the market later' he says.

'isnt Jazmine more of a city girl?' the dad says laughing.

'no, i actually always dreamed about staying in texas' i say.

'well goodluck' his dad says as he gets up.

His dad and grandma went back inside together to prepare dinner.

'they are nice' i say as i pick at my ripped overzised jeans.

'look yes they are a little judgy, i know that, but they like you' he says.

'do they really?' i ask.


'are you trying to convince me or yourself?' i ask laughing.

He smiles at me as he takes my hand.

'i need to show you something' he says.

I get up and follow him inside the house, the house looked very vintage.

'i grew up here for the most part' he says as i follow him into a room, nathans room obviously when he was younger.

'you used to surf?' i ask excited.

'i still do sometimes' he says as i look at the pictures.

'you should so take me surfing' i say.

'i would love too' he says as he takes my hand and pulls me too him.

'NATHAN OLIVIA IS HERE' his dad calls out.

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