chapter 5

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We walk into my room, Ginny and Georgia was still playing, my room was pretty neat happily enough.
He looked around as he walked in, it seemed like he liked i? Or hated i cant tell sometimes'

'you have a big room and a tv?' he says as he looks around.

'uhm', i say as i sit down on my bed.

'are your parents Rich?' he asks.

'they work hard ig? Yea?' i say feeling kinda judged.

'i hate rich people' he says as he sits next to me.

Whats his deal?

'what do you wanna watch?' i ask to kinda change the mood.

'anything you want' he says as he smiles at me.

Bipolar much-

I put on the horror movie the shining.

I lay against against his chest as he stroking my hair, i am so confused on why he is acting so strange sometimes.
He was breathing very loudly and his heart was beating way to fast.

I look up at home he looked very sick, he was way more pale than usual and it looked like he was sweating and shaking.

'nathan are you okay?' i ask worried.

'yea, i am just having a bit of a with drawl' he says soundig like he is gonna throw up.

'what is that?' i ask confused.

'when addicts dont use drugs for a long time, we get with drawl, my body is beggin me for drugs basically and its making me sick' he says slowly as he lays his head backwards and closes his eyes.

'i will bring you something to drink' i say as i get up.

I have never dealed with someone thats addicted, i did a quick Google search and they said, that he needs water, and something with vitamine c, like orange juice and something sugary for energy.

I take a bottle of orange juice and chips and a big bottle of water, i run upstairs and give him anything.

'please eat and drink something Nathan' i say worried.

'jazmine i feel so sick' he whines.

How did he get so much sicker in a few minutes.

I put a few extra pillows under his head and take a big cup with a straw connected to it and put orange juice in it.

He takes a few Sips and puts the cup next to him.

'i will try not to throw up on you', he says laughing.

I smile at him as i lay back against him, he smells so good i wanna take a bite out of him.

'do you wish i was different?' Nathan asks.

'what do you mean?' i ask.

'do you wish i was just like the other guys at school not a total druggie, just normal?' he asks sounding kinda out of breath.

'no, i like you when you are sober but you Arent like the other guys at school so no' i say.

'ur to sweet Jaz' he says as he takes other sup of orange juice.

I really like Nathan its a feeling i cant describe it to early to say 'i love you' but its more than just having a crush on him.

As we were watching the movie i saw that Layla texted me that she is sorry, i just decided to reply with 'its fine' i totally isnt.
I seriously need a better friend.

As i was replying to my messages my dad called.

'i need to take this' i say as i get up from the bed.

Nathan was already asleep.

I pick up the phone*

'hey hunny are you home?' my dad asks

I dont know why i have a bad feeling about all this so i decided to lie.

'no i am at layla's place, is that okay?' i ask.

'yea ofc hunny' he says i swear i heard a female voice in the background and in wasnt my mom.

'bye dad' i say as i hang up.

Omg my dad is gonna come home And i am gonna caught him cheating, FUCK.
I need too call my mom, no wait, i shouldnt.

i walk over to Nathan.

'nathan wake up' i say as i jump next to him on my bed.

'i was just resting my eyes' he says as he streches.

'were gonna catch my dad cheating, he doesnt know i am home' i say.

'wow, are you okay Jaz?' he says as he puts his arm around my shoulder.

'i am fine,are you?' i say as i look at my nails.

'i am feeling better thank you jazmine' he says as he pushes my hair away out of my face.

'back to my dad cheating, we should wait in his closet and scare the shit out of him and throw a bucket of water on him and than Stab him to death' i say laughing.

'or we leave the house and smoke some pot' he says laughing.

'so you wont help me arch my dad cheating?' i ask as i get up and take a sip of his orange juice.

'i will,but i am not gonna sit in his closet' he says laughing.

My older bestfriend mis always used to spy on my dad when he was cheating and than throw things into the room when he thought we were asleep.
That was before mia passed of a car accident.

'whats on your mind?' Nathan asks

'is there someone that you really miss? And everyone something reminds me of them i think about them for days' i say.

'i hope this isnt about a boy?' he says.

'no,its about a old bestfriend of mine, but did you just ignore my quistions?

'uhm, i miss my dad to dead, he kicked me out after relapsing' he says as he takes a deep breath.

' i am so sorry-' i say as i hear my dad entering the house.

'He is here' i say in shock

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