chapter 13

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I walk into my house and changed in sweatpanths and a top, i gave Nathan his hoodie back.

'okay lets start packing' he says.

I take his hand and run upstairs to my room, he lays down on my bed as i take a suitcase.

I throw in a few dresses, tops, jeans shorts, a lot of underwear and some shirts from my dad.

I took a extra bag and putted in my Converse and boots.

'i have everything i think' i say as i notice that Nathan is sleeping, its litterly 13:00 he is like always tired?

I put the suitcase on the ground and lay next to him.

I cant believe i am doing this, running away.

'i love you Nathan' i Whisper as i lay on his chest.


i wake up still laying on nathans chest,i look up and see his beautiful brown eyes look at ceiling.

'hey' he says softly.

'hey' i say as i get off him.

'i saw that you are done packing, are you ready to go?' he asks.

'yea' i say with a smile.

He takes my suitcase and bag and puts it in the back of my dads car.

' we need to pick up my suitcase at my place and than we go to texas' he says with a smile.

' i am so nervous i am gonna throw up'i say as i give Nathan the car keys and sit in the passengers seat.

He sits down in the drivers seat and starts the car, i felt a bit emotional about leaving without telling Layla or my mom or anyone.

'lets do this' he says as we drive off.

I look over at nathans incredibly beautiful features.

He looks back at me and smiles.

'you are so beautiful Jazmine' he says with a grin.

'ugh i love you' i whine as i lay against his shoulder.

'i love you too' he says laughing.

the beautiful sun shining through the window hittng Nathan face wich made him look like a angel.

We stopped infornt if his house.

'i am gonna get my stuff' he says as he gets out of the car.

I look at him walking into his apartment, i look over at the beach where me and Nathan had our first kiss wich feels like yesterday, if i look back at it, nathan was really weird like really really weird.

I drown in my thoughts as i see nathan walk up to the car with a suitcase and sport bag.

'i took some money' he says as he starts the car.

I nodd.

'arent you excited' he says as he goes in the highway.

'i am just a little nervous' i say with a smile.

'thank you for coming with me' he says as he takes my hand and kisses it.

'ofcourse' i say with a smile.

I look out of the window at all the cars pacing.

'remember when i took you to the beach and we kissed?' he asks.

'yea you were being creepy and i was to curios to not to with you'i say laughing.

'you didnt you think it was special?' he asks as he look over at me.

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