𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚. 𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙪𝙠 𝙢𝙖𝙠𝙩𝙤

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After the lessons with the Ilu, Reí decided it would be best to stop the lessons. She didn't want to get too close to Neteyam, noticing that he was often admiring her ever since she smiled at him while he was trailing behind on his Ilu.

"You must all rest." Reí spoke. "It has been a long journey for you. I will take you to your Marui."

The four Sully children followed Ny'reiya as she took them to their Marui, where their parents were already setting up their living space.

"Toruk Makto." Reí greeted. "I've brought your children here, you all need rest."

"Thank you." Jake Sully nodded and turned towards his children, gesturing them all to come inside. "Dad! Lo'ak and Kiri rode an Ilu! And so did Neteyam." Tuk jumped.

"How did you do?" He asked and looked up towards Reí. "Did they cause you any trouble?" She smiled softly, in an attempt to seem more welcoming. "Not at all, Neteyam did well."

Neytiri turned her head towards Reí, keeping her eyes on the ground. "We all wish to rest." Dismissing Reí and telling her to go away without really saying it.

Ny'reiya pursed her lips and began to walk off, heading to her Marui when Neteyam stopped her. "Ny'reiya, wait." He called out, reaching for her wrist.

She stopped in her tracks and turned to him, she didn't dare look at his face, knowing that he would be trying to look into her eyes. "What is it."

"Forgive my mother, she still needs to get used to the changes." He scratched the back of his neck. "Anyways, thank you for teaching me how to ride an Ilu and to swim properly."

"Do not thank, I was forced to do this." She said coldly. "If I wish to be a great chief like father, I must do what is right for my people. That includes teaching Toruk Makto's oldest son that acts like a child."

Neteyam couldn't help but crack a smile, he found her insults somewhat amusing. He didn't mind them, as long as it meant she was talking about him in one way or another. "I must leave, your family is welcome to join us tomorrow for the feast."

She retracted her wrist away from Neteyam, walking away without saying another word. When she entered, she found her mother Ronal making a necklace out of shells. "Mother." She greeted. "I see you."

Ronal glanced up at her daughter, and looked back to the jewelry she was making. "What did you teach those foreigners."

"How to hold their breath properly while being underwater, I also introduced them to the Ilu. I taught the oldest how to ride one." She answered taking a seat in front of Ronal and helped her in making jewelry.

"You were alone with him?" Ronal looked up at Reí. She nodded without looking up at her mother, knowing she would probably make it into a big deal.

"I do not want you involved with him." Ronal said firmly. "I do not want to find out you are starting a relationship with him. If you want to be a great leader, you must choose someone who is familiar with your homeland. Not someone who is only familiar with swimming through the trees of the forest."

Ny'reiya scoffed and stayed silent. As much as she didn't want to admit it, she enjoyed spending time with Jake Sully's children. She had never knew people from different places, let alone the forest.

"Your father and I forbid it, Ny'reiya." Ronal grabbed the tip of her ear. "Do you understand."

She quickly retracted her face, hissing at her mother. "All you do is judge! You do not even give them a chance, at least father is doing his job as the great chief by being open to negotiating. The only reason we are doing well in our village is because of him!"

"You do not speak to your mother in this way!" Ronal got up and cornered her daughter. Reí held her stance and bared her fangs. "Get out." Her mother demanded. 

Reí huffed and walked passed her mother, bumping shoulders with her. She made her way towards a secluded part of the island, one that she was sure no one would bother her.

She sat down on the cool sand, and held her head down. "Eywa, give me strength." She whispered, a tear had started trailing down her cheek. "Haven't I given enough? Why does mother not trust me? Why does she think I am useless? She has always doubted me even when I have done nothing but meet her expectations and do more to please both her and father."

She exhaled slowly, trying to keep her composure. "I just want to be like her, a strong warrior." She wiped her tears with the back of her hand. She sat in silence before her ears perked up, indicating that someone was near.

Reí slowly got up, taking out her knife and hiding in the bushes, blending in with the glowing plants.

Neteyam walked slowly through the vegetation, he was sure he had heard someone talking in these parts of the island. Reí watched as he turned his back towards her. She pounced on him, pinning him down to the ground and held her knife against his throat.

"What are you doing here?" Ny'reiya griped. Neteyam's eyes widened, slowly laying his hands by his head to show that he didn't have any kind of weapon on him. "I heard someone talking nearby and I wanted to see who."

She scoffed and dropped her knife, turning her head and wiping her tears with the back of her hand once more. "Ny'reiya, you're, uh, still on top of me."

"You should not be here!" She lifted the knife, her legs hugged his in order to keep him from getting up. "Wait! I didn't mean any harm I swear!"

For a moment, all Ny'reiya could do was stare into his eyes, to see if he was telling the complete truth. She did believe him, but there was something about the situation they were both in at the moment that didn't want to let him go. She wanted to be in his presence, but she wasn't going to admit it to herself.

"Ny'reiya, please." He slowly reached for her arm, pushing her hand down and taking the knife out of her grip, throwing it away from them. She lifted herself up, and sat down in front of him as he did the same. She kept her eyes looking down.

"Reí, were you crying?" He asked innocently. Her chest rose and fell rapidly, she didn't answer and stayed silent. "Reí." He lifted her chin. "Talk to me."

Ny'reiya leaned over, laying her head against his chest. Her tears could not be contained within her anymore. He sat there, contemplating whether he should have his hands around her body to comfort her. After all, he didn't want to mess things up with the girl he had developed a crush on.

His heart beat increased as he finally took her into his arms, comforting her as she wept silently. The pressure of being the perfect daughter to the greatest Metkayina chief had stressed her out, all she wanted to do was escape and find her peace again.

Yet she had found it with Neteyam. In his arms, in his presence.

"Eywa has sent you to me." She whispered quietly. Hoping he didn't hear her.

A small smile grew on his lips, as he brushed his fingers through her hair.

He had heard her.

𝙪𝙣𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙙. 𝙉𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙮𝙖𝙢Where stories live. Discover now