𝙨𝙞𝙭. 𝙢𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙨

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"Will you be coming to teach us today?" Kiri asked. Reí looked off to the side, over to the beach that their island was surrounded by as the sun was starting to set.

Ever since that night Reí opened up to Kiri, they've been hanging out a lot and have become fond of each other. She enjoyed Kiri's company as much as Kiri enjoyed Reí's, and surprisingly had a few things in common.

"I supposed I have to." Ny'reiya shrugged. Kiri grinned and grabbed her arm, leading Ny'reiya to her siblings.

Tsireya decided to continue teaching the Sully children how to properly control their breathing. After all, if they really wanted to adapt, they must control how well they can hold their breath underwater.

On the small island, they all got into a circle.
"You must control your breathing, if you are nervous underwater and start getting scared, it will only cause you to lose air faster." Tsireya explained. "Breathe in." She sucked in a deep breath.

"And breathe out." She held her hand out. "Imagine a flickering flame, you must slow down your heart rate."

Ny'reiya demonstrated as her sister, keeping one hand to her chest. Neteyam's eyes lingered on her, thinking about the night she had gotten close to him.

Tsireya reached over and placed her hands on Lo'ak's chest and stomach."Breathe in." She said. He did as told. "Breathe from down here." She motioned towards his abdomen. "Now breathe out slowly."

Ny'reiya watched as Lo'ak gave her sister a look that she had seen on her father, Tonowari. He was obviously in love with Tsireya, but she was clueless. She placed a hand right over his heart. "Lo'ak, your heartbeat is fast."

"Sorry." He whispered. "Try to focus." Tsireya said, lightly tapping his stomach, indicating him to try again. "Okay." He nodded.

Neteyam and Rotxo shared a knowing smile between each other. Ny'reiya looked down to hide the fact that she was laughing, mean while Kiri rolled her eyes and scoffed. Reí kept in mind to tease her about Lo'ak later, making sure she wouldn't forget the obvious signs he was sending her.

Neteyam looked over at Ny'reiya, finding her smile after she looked back over at Tsireya and Lo'ak. His heart beat increased, Neteyam hadn't seen her smile that often and yet here she was.

But not because of him.

Kiri seemed to be over Lo'ak and Tsireya's clueless flirting. "Can we ride our Ilu's?" She spoke. Tsireya broke her gaze with Lo'ak and he did the same, his face was hot as he looked down.

"Yes, let's call them over." Tsireya nodded, getting up and walking towards the edge of the small island they were on. Ny'reiya got up and made calling sounds with her mouth, her Ilu along with the others came.

Kiri made her way towards Reí, pushing her in the water and jumping in afterwards. "Kiri!" She yelled as she came back up from the water.

Kiri giggled as her Ilu circled around them, waiting for her to get on. "Let's race?" She challenged Reí. "You want to challenge me? An expert?" She said sarcastically. "You're on."

"Come on!" Tsireya called towards the others as she got on her Ilu. Neteyam, Rotxo, and Lo'ak got on their Ilu's as well as Tuk.

"Let's hope Ny'reiya doesn't get too competitive." Tsireya looked over to Neteyam. "Why don't we join them?" He suggested.

"Kiri! We'll join you." Tsireya waved.

"More competition." Ny'reiya shrugged. "We will stop at that rock over there." She pointed. "Then we'll come back to the island, it's a long distance so it should be good enough."

"Tuk, maybe you should stay on the island and wait for us. I don't want you to fall off and hurt yourself." Neteyam looked over at her. Tuktirey frowned and sighed, getting off her Ilu and back on the island. Though she secretly smiled to herself since she would be seeing the whole thing without anyone interrupting her.

"Three, two, one... go!" Tsireya signaled.

All of them took off within a flash, heading towards the rock. Neteyam's arms and legs propelled forward, he wanted to win, as a way to show off to Ny'reiya, to at least get some praise from her.

To show that he was worthy for her.

The Ilu's dove underwater, swimming through the reef. Kiri at that point wanted to stop and admire the sea life, until Lo'ak caught up to her.

"Looks like you're going to be the one to lose." Lo'ak signed. Kiri rolled her eyes playfully and attempted to bump into his Ilu, while Ao'nung quickly passed them up.

Ny'reiya looked around as the underwater plants began to glow of their bioluminescent color. Neteyam had passed Reí, being the first one to reach the rock.

Ny'reiya reached Neteyam, slipping off her Ilu and emerging from the water. "It's getting late." She whispered. "You must go get Tuk."

"Can we meet later? You know where I had found you alone?" He asked, stepping back into the water.

"Sure." Reí nodded.

𝙪𝙣𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙙. 𝙉𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙮𝙖𝙢Where stories live. Discover now