𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣. 𝙠𝙞𝙧𝙞

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"Oh Kiri." Reí whispered, stroking Tuk's hair.

They sat a few feet away from her unconscious body as two humans examined her. Neytiri paced back and forth as they talked to Jake Sully.

"There's no bleed, no fracture, no effects of hypoxia." One of the humans spoke. "A healthy brain." The other one nodded, reviewing the images on the device they had.

Ronal suddenly walked in with Tsireya trailing behind, a tray in her hand. Stopping in her tracks once she saw the humans and their technology.

"I see I am not needed here." She turned around to leave. Neytiri grabbed her arm, becoming irritated at Ronal. "You are Tsahìk!"

Ronal looked at Neytiri and towards the unconscious girl. "Remove these things." She commanded.

Neytiri turned towards the humans. "Out!" She demanded. "You have done nothing!" The humans quickly gathered their things, and stepped out with Jake Sully behind them.

After multiple hours of repeating actions. Kiri's face twisted, her eyes opened after. "Kiri!" Tuk exclaimed softly. "You're awake."

"Oh my sweet child." Neytiri whispered, taking her hand and bringing it to her cheek. Tuk got closer, and stroked Kiri's hair gently as she silently wept.

Ny'reiya lifted herself up and left the Marui, giving them space. She took a deep breath and leaned against the wall, wiping a tear from her cheek.

"My love, are you okay?" Neteyam placed an arm over her.

"Don't, we can't let the others know." Ny'reiya whispered.

Neteyam frowned and took his arm off of her. "You shouldn't care what others think, as long as you're happy, Reí."

She pursed her lips, her eyes became watery again. Reí hated seeing him upset, she knew it was her fault. Her path to becoming chief was her priority.

Yet did it really matter now? Especially being with Neteyam?

"You're right, I'm sorry." Ny'reiya took a deep breath. "I've just." She paused. "I was so scared, about Kiri. She could've died if we hadn't acted quickly, her death would've been my fault. I was the one that took you guys to the cove after all, it was my idea."

He shook his head and placed a hand on her cheek. "No, it was not your fault for taking us to the cove. We had no way of knowing that she was going to have a seizure, there was no way we could've prevented that or saw it coming."

Her brows furrowed as she looked down, hiding the fact that tears were streaming down her cheeks. All Ny'reiya thought about at that moment was how she could've lost her best friend whom she deeply cared about. A huge weight was on her shoulders, the guilt had built up with seeing her unconscious body on the floor.

Every minute passing slowly as Ronal repeated the ritual healing process over and over. She felt sick to her stomach seeing her in such state, one that she had caused.

"It is not your fault, my love." Neteyam repeated.

"My Neteyam." She whispered, burying herself in his arms.

His stomach dropped at the words that came out of her mouth. He became silent after that, only stroking her hair as an act to comfort her.

Neteyam's sudden shift in his mood caught Reí's attention. "Neteyam? Are you okay?" She asked worriedly.

Neteyam looked down at Ny'reiya. "When we went to the Spirit Tree and I connected my queue, I saw something."

"What was it?" She placed a hand over his. Neteyam pursed his lips, regretting that he had even said anything in the first place. "Neteyam, tell me."


"Ny'reiya." Tsireya walked out of the Marui pod. Both of the teens created space between each other as she turned her head towards them.

"Yes?" Reí said. Her little sister smiled to herself, knowing she caught them in a moment.

"We're going home, Toruk Makto's family needs rest after all that has happened today." Tsireya responded.

Ny'reiya nodded, wiping her hands on her thighs. "Right, I'll be right there in a second."

Tsireya nodded and headed back inside. Reí looked back over at Neteyam. "I better go, tell me some other time."

"Yeah, sure." Neteyam nodded and watched as she got up and left. He sighed deeply and tilted his head back, unsure of what how he should be feeling at the moment.

On one side, he felt joy that his little sister was finally awake. Though on the other side, he felt like a hole had been pierced through his heart. The vision he had that at the Spirit Tree made him feel scared, worried, and unsure of what the future would hold for him and Ny'reiya.

And their daughter.

Short chapter today! Don't worry though I'll probably upload another chapter or two.

𝙪𝙣𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙙. 𝙉𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙮𝙖𝙢Where stories live. Discover now