𝙩𝙚𝙣. 𝙡𝙤'𝙖𝙠

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"Toruk Makto, I apologize for what my ignorant brother caused with Kiri and Lo'ak." Ny'reiya gulped. "I take full responsibility."

"You are not responsible for your brother's actions." Jake Sully reasoned. "It's fine, I've sent Lo'ak to go apologize to your brother."

Ny'reiya sighed, lowering her head to hide her embarrassment her brother had caused her. Neytiri was fuming, eyeing Ny'reiya down, possibly plotting how she would skin her and her brother. Meanwhile Kiri sat there, sympathizing Ny'reiya for taking the blame.

Something that both Ny'reiya and Neteyam had in common.

She walked out of their Marui pod and towards the ledge by the water, dipping her feet as she took a seat.

"Are you okay?" Kiri sat down slowly, looking down at the clear water that was beneath them.

"I am fine, yes." Ny'reiya replied, keeping her eyes towards the water. "It is exhausting taking the blame for every wrong thing your siblings do."

She frowned at her response, she didn't know what it was like being the oldest siblings and having the weight that they carry on their shoulders. Though, she could see how tough and sometimes even frustrating it could be with Neteyam who had always been taking the blame for Lo'ak's foolish actions.

"Neteyam always takes the blame." Kiri pursed her lips. "It's something that he's always done, even when my dad tells him to stop."

Ny'reiya sighed and looked up. "I know this isn't the best time but, you guys are really meant for each other." Kiri added. "I'm sure he appreciated how you stuck up for us."

Ny'reiya's lips formed a small smile, her cheeks became hot as she thought of Neteyam. "I had forgotten that you knew about me and him."

"Please, it's so obvious!" Kiri nudged her arm to tease her. "I'm surprised that no one has caught up to it yet like they've caught on with Lo'ak and your sister."

"Tsireya never stops talking about Lo'ak when it's just me and her." Ny'reiya groaned. "She might as well sneak out of our Marui to go see him since she can never get enough of him!" She traced patterns on her thigh and giggled at the thought of her sister and Lo'ak.

"The difference between us is that I'm actually keeping it a secret. I already know the outcome if my parents found out that I am seeing your father's oldest child."

Kiri chuckled and swayed her feet. "I can feel Neteyam's resistance whenever you come around us, he's very affectionate so keeping your guys' relationship must be hard on him."

"It's hard on me too, he's sweet and very affectionate... It's like I have found my soulmate. Ny'reiya paused. "For every life that I live from now on, I'll always choose him."

"Please this is all too lovey for me." Kiri stuck her tongue out. Ny'reiya giggled and looked over at Toruk Makto's Marui.

"Neteyam?" She furrowed her brows and got up quickly. Kiri followed behind as they both reached him.

Neteyam walked into his family's Marui pod, dragging Ao'nung by his arm. It was clear that he was furious.

"Ao'nung? What is going on?" Reí walked up to them. Ao'nung kept quiet and lowered his head in humiliation.

Neteyam grit his teeth and shook Ao'nung's body. "Come on, say it! She doesn't have all damn day! Tell her what you did!"

Ao'nung looked over at Neteyam and back to Ny'reiya. "We led Lo'ak beyond the reef and...we left him there." He finally spoke.

"What do you mean we?" She clenched her jaw, her eyes became filled with rage as she realized what Ao'nung meant. "You and your stupid friends, I should've known." Ny'reiya looked over at Neteyam, motioning him to back away from her brother.

He grit his teeth once more and let go. Ny'reiya walked up to Ao'nung and kneed his stomach, making him fall to the ground. She kneeled down to his level and grabbed a chunk of his hair, lifting his head.

"If he really is dead, Toruk Makto and his wife will skin you alive and have your blood." Her ears lowered. "You will go and tell father, pray to Eywa that he is alive or I will personally bring you to Toruk Makto's wife so that she can skin you."

Ao'nung's ears lowered as his eyes looked toward Ny'reiya's. He became frozen in fear as he met her constricted pupils. He had never seen her this furious in his life. His stomach twisted as he gulped, nodding slowly to let his sister know he understood. "Go." She said coldly.

And with that, Ao'nung quickly got up and left the Marui pod. Neteyam began to walk over to her when he was stopped by Kiri.


Back at her family's Marui pod, Tsireya was pacing back and forth. Waiting for any announcement that Lo'ak was found safe.

Tears began to form the more she thought about Lo'ak being in danger. Ny'reiya walked in, eager to talk to her parents about what Ao'nung had done. Only to find that they were gone.

"Where is mother and father?" She walked up to her sister. Tsireya flinched at the sound of hearing her sisters voice.

She quickly turned around. "They went to go find Lo'ak."

"I will skin our brother if I see him." Reí balled her fists. "I can't believe he would even think of leading Lo'ak beyond the reef."

"What if he's hurt, Reí? What if it's too late when they find him?!" Tsireya began to panic. Reí quickly snapped out of her furious state, softening her tone.

"Don't think like that, Tsireya." She took her sister in her arms. "He will return safely, Eywa will protect him."

Tears streamed down Tsireya's cheeks, trying to calm her breathing. Reí closed her eyes and inhaled, praying to Eywa that she would hear her call and bring Toruk Makto's second son home.

As if on cue, a horn was heard. Indicating that the chief and his mate had arrived. Tsireya looked up, walking out of her sisters arms.

"Lo'ak!" Tsireya rushed out, Ny'reiya followed behind as they both ran to find him. Lo'ak stepped on to the sand, his head low as he was surrounded.

The sisters stepped forward, watching as Lo'ak glanced up at Tsireya. "Hey, let's have a look at you." Jake Sully stepped in front of his son and began to search for any injuries.

He sighed in relief, placing a hand on his son's shoulder. "Yeah, you're fine, just a few scratches but you're fine."

Neytiri rushed forward, her eyes filled with rage. "Lo'ak." She called out and stepped down to him. She quickly inspected his body before placing her hands on her biceps. "I pray for the strength that I will not pluck the eyeballs out of my youngest son!" She snapped her hands over his eyes.

He moved his head lazily and looked to the side. "No, my son knows better than to take him outside of the reef." Tonowari spoke, pushing Ao'nung to kneel. "My son is to blame."

"No-" Lo'ak finally spoke. "This isn't Ao'nung's fault. It was my idea, Ao'nung was trying to talk me out of it but I didn't listen."

Neteyam furrowed his brows and glared over a Ao'nung. His fists balled up, he was angry that Lo'ak took the blame for something that Ao'nung caused.

Ny'reiya gave Ao'nung a cold stare and scoffed. Tonowari looked over at Ao'nung and back to Lo'ak. "Is what the boy said true?" Ronal turned to her son.

Ao'nung looked up at his mother and to Lo'ak. He nodded slowly before looking back down. Ronal looked up at Tonowari and gave him a look.

After they had finally left, Ny'reiya walked over to her brother and grabbed him by the arm.

"Eywa has taken mercy on you." She grit her teeth. "I hope this taught you a lesson, skxawng."

𝙪𝙣𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙙. 𝙉𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙮𝙖𝙢Where stories live. Discover now