𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙚. 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙛𝙡𝙞𝙘𝙩𝙨

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"You want to hold your bow like this." Neteyam explained, his arms went around Ny'reiya, lifting them up in the correct way. Her breath hitched at how close he was to her, the way his hands would hug her stomach and then go to her hips. He kept a firm grasp as he gently corrected her position yet tease her unknowingly.

"Your fingers should be placed this way, so you can have a clean and clear shot at your target." He fixed her hands, she quickly snapped out of the thoughts that were going through her mind and shot an arrow at a tree. Neteyam walked over and took out the arrow from the tree and walked back, shooting a smile at his lover.

"A good shot considering you were nervous." He teased and handed the arrow back to her.

Ny'reiya pursed her lips together. "It's hard, I don't know if I could control myself when you look and touch me in such ways."

"Like what?" He took her hand and intertwined them with hers.

She kept a firm look on her face, trying to not look embarrassed. "As if you want me."

"I do though." Taking the palm of her hand and gently kissing it. "Was I making it that obvious?"

"You were tempting." Reí looked down to hide her face. Neteyam chuckled and lifted her chin, pulling her in for a kiss. She immediately placed one hand to the back of his neck, pulling him in even closer.

Neteyam pulled her on to him, wrapping her legs around his waist. Ny'reiya was melting under his touch as his hands explored her body.

He smirked as he moved down to her neck, his teeth grazed over her skin. She gasped and lifted her head up, giving him more access. Her eyes fluttered shut as she bit her lip, not wanting pants of pleasure to escape her mouth.

Their moment would soon be interrupted by people arguing in the distance. "Neteyam." Her ears perked up.

Neteyam stood up, holding his hand out for Reí to grab and pull herself up. They made their way out of the secluded area and back towards the village, keeping a distance from each other to prevent anyone from seeing them too close to each other.

As they got closer towards the beach where the arguing was coming from, The distinct voices of Kiri, Lo'ak, Ao'nung and others could be heard.

They were grabbing Lo'ak's tail and teasing the both of them. Ny'reiya clenched her jaw at the sight of her brother Ao'nung and this friends teasing the siblings.

Neteyam stared at the Metkayina teens who were teasing their siblings, his fist balled up and his breathing became harder. Anger had taken over the expression on his face. Reí's ears lowered in worry, she had never seen Neteyam this angry.

"Neteyam." She whispered, grabbing his arm to prevent him from walking towards them. He yanked his arm away, causing Reí to flinch. His face softened. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"Look at his baby tail!" One of the Metkayina teens exclaimed.

Kiri watched helplessly as Lo'ak attempted to push Ao'nung and his friends away as they grabbed his hands and tail. "Leave us alone!"

"Oh baby tail! That is so cute!" Another teen taunted.

Reí watched as Neteyam walked over furiously, pushing the shoulder of Ao'nung and putting a finger to his chest. "You heard what she said, leave them alone." Her stomach dropped, she could already imagine their parents yelling at them for causing trouble between the two families.

They would be lucky if Ronal and Tonowari didn't skin them alive.

"Oh big brother coming-"

Ny'reiya quickly paced forward. "What do you think you're doing, Ao'nung." She stood in front of her brother. Her brows furrowed as she gave him a cold stare, preparing every insult that her mother taught her.

"You skxawng! Mother and father will skin you for acting like a fool." She put a finger towards his chest, lightly pushing him.

Ao'nung gave her a side glance and looked back at Neteyam, his lips formed into a smirk as he looked towards his friends.

"Back off." Neteyam demanded, lifting a finger towards Ao'nung. "Now."

He scoffed and backed away, putting his hands up as a way of showing he surrendered. His friends looked at him, confused. Of course, they wanted to continue taunting the four fingered freaks

"Smart choice." Neteyam put his finger down and looked at the other boys. "And from now on, I need you to respect my sister."

One of the Metkayina teens hissed at Neteyam, but quickly shut his mouth when Ao'nung raised his hand. Ny'reiya walked over and stood beside her brother, placing a hand on his shoulder and having a firm grip on it.

She exchanged a look with Neteyam. Knowing that they had to not give any signs they were seeing each other, therefore acting separately, neither of them taking the opposing side.

When they began walking away, her brother and the Metkayina teens began whispering to each other. Calling them freaks and even going as far as calling their whole family freaks as well.

"I pray to Eywa to give me the strength of not ripping your ears out!" Reí hissed at the boys. She looked over at the siblings, noticing that Lo'ak had stopped in his tracks. Ny'reiya backed away from his brother and friends, already sensing where this interaction was gonna lead to.

"Lo'ak." Neteyam whispered.

"I got this, bro." Lo'ak reassured, walking back to Ao'nung and the other boys. "I know this hand is funny." He held up his hand and began moving it around, sticking out his extra finger. "Look, I'm a freak, an alien. But it can do something really cool, watch."

Ny'reiya's lips formed a smirk as she watched Ao'nung become invested in what Lo'ak had been doing. She walked over beside Kiri and Neteyam, who were watching the whole thing go down.

"First, I ball it up real tight like this, okay?" Lo'ak looked up and show cased his hand. "And then." He pulled back and swung his fist straight into Ao'nung's face, switching to his right hand and back to his left.

Ao'nung fell to the ground and looked up at Lo'ak in shock. "It's called a punch, bitch." He pointed a finger at the boy. "Don't ever touch my sister again."

The Metkayina teens snarled, Ao'nung quickly got up and charged Lo'ak, tackling him to the ground. Reí sighed in frustration looking over at Kiri who seemed to be done with all this mess. The teens started pulling Lo'ak's tail and ganging up on him. Neteyam scratched his head with a sour expression on his face, glancing over at Reí.

She rolled her eyes and nodded. Neteyam rushed forward and kneed one of the boys who ran towards him, making him drop on the ground in pain. Immediately, Neteyam was tackled to the ground like his younger brother.

One of Ao'nung's friends pulled Lo'ak's tail, he shouted in pain and gripped Ao'nung's ear. "Ow, my tail!"

"Ow, my ear! Let go!"

Ny'reiya and Kiri shared a look, giggling at the boys' struggle. The fight had become funny in a matter of a few seconds. "This is so stupid." Reí covered her mouth to suppress her giggle. "Please do something, or else I'll die of laughter." Kiri smiled.

Reí sighed and walked over towards the fight, pulling Ao'nung off of Lo'ak and slapping one of the Metkayina teens with her tail. "That is enough!" She raised her voice. Their fighting stopped and everyone became quiet. She glared at each and everyone of the boys, Neteyam felt intimidated at the sudden tone coming from her.

"Go home, all of you." Reí hissed and snapped her attention to her brother. "You will go to father and mother and tell them what you caused. You will apologize and never do this again."

She looked back at all the boys, giving them each a cold glare. But when she got to Neteyam, her gaze seemed to soften, only for a second before she snapped out of it.

"I said go home!" She raised her hand and pointed towards the village. "You skxawng's."

Neteyam's eyes widened for a bit as he backed away, grabbing Lo'ak's arm and bringing him back towards the village. He knew she didn't mean her harsh tone towards him, but for the sake of keeping their relationship a secret, he had to act surprised and a little hostile towards Reí.

Even if he hated it.

𝙪𝙣𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙙. 𝙉𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙮𝙖𝙢Where stories live. Discover now