𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙧. 𝙨𝙞𝙜𝙣𝙨

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"Tuk, we have to get going if we want to swim in the ocean." Kiri ran towards her. "We're learning how to sign underwater! It's too much."

Kiri placed a hand over her mouth to hide her giggle, there were times where she enjoyed having that sisterly bond with Tuktirey. She laid back down dramatically.

"Tuk, there are things we must do to be on our best behavior." Neteyam walked over. "I will carry you the whole way, deal?" He smiled as he picked her up, Tuktirey tucked her head into the crook of his neck, sighing as he gently patted her back.

"You're still babying her?" Lo'ak scoffed, Tuk whipped her head towards her brother and stuck her tongue out. "Real mature, baby."

"Leave her alone." Kiri smacked the back of his head. "Hey!" Lo'ak grunted. Neteyam rolled his eyes playfully as he watched Kiri smack Lo'ak's arm and lecture him on being nice to his little sister.

"How come she doesn't want to come learn how to sign but she was begging us to take her whenever we went on adventures back home!"  Lo'ak retorted. 

"Shut up bro, we have to get going." Neteyam walked passed them. "Unless you don't want to see your little reef girlfriend." He teased. "Right, Tuk?"

Tuk giggled and stuck her tongue out to Lo'ak once more, rolling her eyes back as a way of mocking him. "She's not my girlfriend!" Lo'ak rolled his eyes. "What about you and Ny'reiya huh? You two were alone practically the whole day!"

Neteyam shook his head. "She was teaching me like her father wanted her to, at least I know how to follow directions unlike someone over here."

"Oh yeah? Hey Neteyam, I don't wanna be hearing any noises if you ever bring her over while we're sleeping. After all, we all know what happens when two Na'vi are lonely and...all alone." Lo'ak placed a hand over his chest.

"Gross!" Kiri pushed him, Neteyam quickly covered Tuk's ears. He didn't want her finding out about certain things that she didn't need to know at her age. "Do not speak about this type of stuff in front of Tuk!" He scolded Lo'ak.

"What are you still doing here, you were supposed to meet Tonowari's children twenty minutes ago." Jake Sully entered the Marui. "What happened to adapting to their ways?"

The four children stood silent, before Neteyam broke the silence. "Sorry sir, I was just trying to get Tuk ready. It was me that held everyone back." Lo'ak stepped forward and shook his head. "No, I was keeping them here by telling them stories. It was my fault, sir."

Jake Sully sighed and shook his head. "Well get out there, you don't want to keep them waiting. After you are all done, Tonowari invited us to go join them in their feast tonight. I want you all back here at a reasonable time."

"Yes sir." The brothers nodded, and walked out the Marui. Kiri trailed behind, glancing at her father before leaving.

"Look who finally joins us." Ao'nung smirked. Ny'reiya smacked his hand, telling him to shut up. Ao'nung hissed at her, rolling his eyes as he backed away. Leaving the two sisters to speak and lead them.

"There is a small island across from this one, we will meet there." Ny'reiya pointed, once all of Jake Sully's children nodded in agreement, she headed towards her Ilu and swung a leg over her. As she adjusted herself, she felt a burning stare on her. She knew who it was, but didn't bother looking up.

Neteyam and his siblings got on their Ilu, Tuk got on with Neteyam and with that, they rode off towards the small island Reí had told them about.

They all sat in a circle, Lo'ak sitting beside Tsireya, Ao'nung next to Kiri, Tuk next to Neteyam, and Reí next to Neteyam on the other side.

"First, you want to start off with the basics." Tsireya began. "If you want to greet someone, you sign like this." Holding up her hand in a complex way, to show them how it should look. "If you want to say goodbye, it should look like this."

Reí watched as each of the children, looked back and forth at their hands and Tsireya's, trying to match them. Tuk grunted in frustration, but successfully placed her fingers in the correct way.

Neteyam looked over at Tuk, holding his hands up and smiling at her. Ny'reiya's heart began beating fast as she watched his lips form a smile. Even though he wasn't smiling directly at her, there was something about him being off guard that made her adrenaline rush.

"If you want to give directions, for example, saying go east, place your hands like so." Ny'reiya snapped out of it and showcased her hands. "To say north, you place your hands like this."

"I don't know how you get confused." Neteyam mumbled. Reí turned her head towards him, he was obviously struggling. "It takes time, do not expect to get it right in one day." She said softly, reaching over and adjusting his fingers.

"Do you ever mess up?" Neteyam asked, showing his fingers to her, wanting to get her approval. "Sometimes." She nodded, indicating that he signed correctly.

Ny'reiya looked up towards him, he smiled softly. "Thank you." Her heart jumped at his words. She pursed her lips and nodded once more.

After a couple of hours, the sun began to set. "I forgot about the feast!" Tsireya's ears lowered. "We must go, now."

The seven jumped on their Ilu's and swam back to the main island. Where the feast would be hosted outside. Tonowari and Ronal were already seated in front of everyone, Jake Sully and Neytiri sat beside them.

"Let's hope father doesn't scold us." Ao'nung mumbled. Ny'reiya gulped and walked towards her parents. "I will take care of it." She reassured. 

"Father, I see you." She greeted and sat in the spot next to her father. "Father, mother, I see you." Tsireya and Ao'nung greeted, walking over to sit next to Ny'reiya.

"I thought I told you to come back before the feast started." Ronal said coldly. Tsireya and Ao'nung struggled to find the words to try and explain that they had lost track of time.

"It was my fault, mother." Ny'reiya spoke. "I kept them waiting, I was only trying to correct Jake Sully's children on their signing."

Ronal glared at Ny'reiya, preparing to insult her when Tonowari held his hand up, stopping Ronal from unleashing her anger towards her oldest daughter.

"What matters is that they are here, and they have brought our guests children here safely." Tonowari spoke.

"In honor of Toruk Makto's arrival, we will have a grand feast in honor of him." Tonowari announced. "Let us all begin to eat!"

The people clapped, and began to serve themselves. "Ny'reiya, you and the others will be performing correct?"

"Yes, father." Reí nodded, quickly getting up and rushing over to the men and women she would be performing with. Neteyam watched her as she began to fiddle with her fingers, she was obviously nervous. Mostly because the boy she cried to was going to be watching her.

"Dad, I didn't know they would be hosting a feast in honor of you." Lo'ak turned to Jake. He shrugged and glanced over at Neytiri before looking back at Lo'ak. "I didn't either, they just told your mom and I that they would be having some sort of party."

The crowd went silent, the performance was about to start. Ny'reiya and the others danced around the people before making their way towards the center, where everyone would have their eyes on them.

Ny'reiya kept her eyes on one boy the whole night, hoping that her mother would notice her looking at Neteyam.

Only to piss her off.

Neteyam quickly caught on that Ny'reiya was keeping her eyes on him. His face heated up, trying to look else where.

Her plan was working.

𝙪𝙣𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙙. 𝙉𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙮𝙖𝙢Where stories live. Discover now