𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣. 𝙚𝙨𝙘𝙖𝙥𝙚

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Neteyam and Reí surfaced above water, heading towards the village. "We must find them, Neteyam."

"I know." He nodded and grabbed her hand. "We will."

"Where have you been." Ronal rushed over towards Neteyam's Ilu. She grabbed the face of her daughter and inspected her body, searching for any sign of injury.

"Mother I'm fine." She reassured, grabbing her biceps. "They captured Tsireya, Tuk, and Lo'ak."

Ronal's ears lowered as she took her hands off of her daughter and walked over to Tonowari and Jake Sully. "You have put our children in danger, only because you chose to run away and hide amongst the Metkayina."

"My love, we will find them at once." Tonowari placed a hand on Ronal's back.

Ny'reiya grabbed Neteyam's hand and walked towards her parents. "We must fight, mother." Ronal looked over at Tonowari who shook his head at her. "You are staying here, you're pregnant."

"I am a warrior like you." She grabbed a spear. "It is decided."

Ny'reiya turned to her mate with a worried look. "You must stay as well, Neteyam." To which he looked at her, confused.

"I'm not staying, I'm going to fight to save my brother and Tuk." Neteyam persisted.

"No, Neteyam you are staying in the village." Neteyam grabbed her hand and led her to a more private spot. "Neteyam stop, I just can't let you go."

"I'm a warrior, I'm supposed to fight." Neteyam argued. He pressed his lips together and looked away.

"The vision I had at the Spirit Tree, it showed me your death." Reí managed to choke out. Neteyam froze and turned back to her. "My vision, it showed me the war that has begun, and the ships that the sky people have brought. You were shot by them Neteyam. I can't let that happen, please just stay."

Reí's eyes became red as she pursed her lips and looked down. She covered her mouth and wiped her face. Neteyam wrapped his arms around her and sighed. "My love, I promise nothing will happen to me. I will be by your side the whole time."

He lifted her chin and placed his hands on her shoulders. "I need you to be strong right now, I need you to fight, along side me." He demanded softly as he wiped her tears that were trailing down her cheek with his thumb. "We need to save them, I need you to fight. Strong heart."

Reí began to take deep breaths as he looked into her eyes. "Strong heart." He repeated, placing his hand over her heart. She sighed and nodded. "Strong heart." She leaned her forehead against his and closed her eyes.


The war had begun, Neteyam and Reí had flown into battle on his Ikran. His mate had equipped the her bow that he made her, along with her spear, which was gifted to her by her parents.

Reí's eyes were filled with bloodlust, she was hungry for revenge on the sky people. For what they had caused among their village all those years ago.

And for capturing her baby sister.

Neteyam's Ikran dove in the sky and turned to the side as it faced the devil ships, giving Reí a chance to jump off the Ikran and on to the ship. She landed on the ship and stabbed the men, shooting her bow and arrow to the devils that were far from her reach.

Before they could fight back, she wiped every single man on the ship. She made calling sounds to Neteyam, who landed his Ikran on the ship.

Before she jumped back on the Ikran, she took out the spear that was pierced through a human. She looked at the body, with no mercy shown in her eyes and walked over to wash the blood off in the water.

"Take the Ikran, I'll take care of the gunships." Neteyam said, motioning Reí to get on. She situated herself in front of Neteyam. The Ikran spread it's wings and made calling sounds before it began to take off.

A gunship began shooting at them, Reí pulled gently on the Ikran. Directing to it move from right to left to avoid the bullets.

Neteyam aimed at the pilot, taking a deep breath before releasing the arrow.

The arrow pierced through the pilots heart. The gunship lost control and fell from the sky, crashing into the ocean. "Clean kill." Reí complimented him. Neteyam smiled and placed his arm around her.

"There!" Reí gestured towards a boat. Her sister, Lo'ak, and Tuk were tied against the rails. Anger rose inside Reí's body.

The Ikran dove and hovered over the water. Neteyam and Ny'reiya jumped off, landing in the water. "We must go on Ilu now." Reí looked over to Neteyam.

She submerged herself underwater and made calling sounds to her Ilu. Gesturing Neteyam to stay close as her Ilu passed by, giving her a chance to grab the handle.

Her Ilu bursted out of the water, jumping over the boat. Reí and Neteyam leaped and landed on top of the boat, quickly attacking the sky people that were guarding their siblings.

She swung her spear around and impaled every human that came close to her. Throwing their bodies overboard.

"Reí!" Tsireya shouted.

She ran over towards Tsireya and took out her knife, cutting her loose. "Hey baby brother." Neteyam greeted and began to cut Lo'ak free. "Who's the mighty warrior huh? Come on, say it."

"Bro!" Lo'ak chuckled.

Neteyam smiled and patted Lo'ak's head. "Come on, let's go."

"Wait, they have spider." Lo'ak stopped Neteyam. Reí's ears perked up as she cut Tuk loose.

"Come on, we have to save him." Lo'ak began to walk back.

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