I just want your validation (Ch. 1)

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TWs: abuse, blood, daddy issues?

-Hunters POV-

I slowly entered the throne room, clutching onto the key that was in my hand, I took my mask off and began talking

"Emperor belos, I know you didn't want me to leave but if I didn't I wouldn't have gotten this!" He turned around and looked at the key which was now dangling by the string thread through the hole, and quickly snatched it away
"Are you proud?"
"You disobeyed me to get something that you bring to me broken!?" He yelled
"I- I'm sorry- I had to fight the youngest blight and-" I felt a sharp pain on my chest, I looked down to see the front of my uniform ripped and blood seeping out of it, I was in pure shock
"Why would I be proud of you?" I felt a tear roll down my cheek, out of heartbreak and pain, I clutched my chest
"Now GO" I nodded, grabbed my mask, put it on and ran out of the throne room and straight to the healing wing.

In the healing wing

"Oh dear titan!" One of the lady's yelled
"It's not that bad..." I said through my mask
"Not that bad your bleeding a lot golden guard!" She dragged me over to one of the beds and told me to sit down on it, I listened and watched as she drew a circle in the air and began healing my cut
"This may leave a scar sir... I'm sorry"
"It's quite alright" she smiled at me and asked me to take my shirt and amour off so she could bandage it, she offered for me to do it and she gave me the instructions if I wasn't comftable but I told her I was okay with it.

"All done sir, that's should heal up soon, make sure you try to minimise your activity" I nodded
"Thank you"
"No problem sir" I waved goodbye as I left the healing wing and went up to my room

"Hey flap" I smiled at the bird playing on my desk with some string
"Cheep chirp"
"I'm okay buddy" I slowly sat down on my bed and flapjack flew over to lay in my lap, I slowly pet him and looked outside
"Wonder what it's like to be a normal kid flap" I said looking at him
"Cheep cheep tweet"
"I can't run away that's insane!" I quietly yelled
"I'll think about it flap... I'll think about it..." I then layed down, flap flew off my lap and next to me, nuzzling into my cheek, I smiled and closed my eyes hoping I could get atleast and hour of sleep.

3 hours later

*Knock knock*

I slowly opened my eyes as I heard knocking at my door

"Yes?" I said still half asleep
"The Emperor requests your presence in the throne room golden guard" kikimora said, there was a slight snicker near the end of that sentence... That made me worried
"Inform him I'll be right there" I sat up and hid flapjack in our secret spot, I put my mask back on and left my room, heading towards the throne room

In the throne room

"Hello Emperor, you requested to see me" I kneeled down
"No need to kneel hunter, please stand" I listened and stood up "remove your mask too" I removed my mask and looked over at the Emperor who was sitting in his throne
"Tell me hunter... Why did you disobey me?"
"I wanted to get titans blood for you, I wanted to prove myself and make you proud uncle"
"Mhm, now why is the key broken?"
"I had to fight the youngest blight for it, it might have cracked while we where fighting, or she broke it"
"Any other reasons you went to go get titans blood?" He sat up straight
"I wanted to prove myself, I wanted your validation..."
"You wanted my validation?" I nodded
"You think this will help? A broken key with barely any titans blood in it?" He stood up, my heart beat quickened
"How embarrassing, the golden guard basically failing me again!" He snapped, I jumped at the sudden outburst
"Your disgraceful, this is what I get for bringing you in, giving you everything you needed!" He began walking towards me
"I-im sorry uncle! I'll try harder I promise!" I then felt him slap me
"You would be nothing without me" he said in my ear
"I'll try harder next time... I promise"
"You better, I expect more from you golden guard" he stood up straight and dismissed me.

I left the throne room with tears in my eyes, the scouts couldn't see it because of my mask, I'm glad they couldn't... It's weak to cry over something that small... I just want his validation, his approval... I just want him to be proud of me! A tear rolled down my cheek again as I approached my room, I opened the door and collapsed onto my bed, I made sure to close the door of course, I took my mask off and began crying... Which is pretty pathetic to be honest... I fell flapjack nudge the side of face, I didn't move, I didn't want to, I just wanted to curl up into a ball and never come out

"We're leaving tomorrow flapjack... I promise"

Thank you for reading and supporting my book, this means alot to me

Written by: Polyamorous_Flapjack
Edited by: Polyamorous_Flapjack

Proof read ☑️

Word count: 918

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