king's tide (Ch. 19)

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Omfg for the future was crazy, left us on a cliffhanger tho, this book won't continue into "for the future" stuff and will finish a couple chapters into the human realm or "thanks to them"

This one may be long or whatever so hand on, Idk if there's gonna me 2 parts to this cause I'm just writing lol

Oh btw we are at the time where the day of unity begins do the big podium glyph thing

Spoilers for king's tide 👍

TWs: swearing, panic attack mention

-Edas POV-

I gulped as I stood next to Terra and Adrian, titan what if they find out now?! I took a deep breath and helps began drawing this big thing on the floor, it looked like a glyph... He then rose his staff into the air and muttered something I couldn't here

And now the day if unity had official began...

-Aladors POV-

Maybe this golden guard kid wasn't as bad as he seemed, he was more paranoid then I expected but he apparently is only 16, so much responsibility and stress for someone so young...

I tapped him on the shoulder and motioned him to go steer the ship, I saw a small smile appear on his face and he ran over to the wheel

Sorry for this very fast time skip but we are now at the point where the ship is reported stolen

We were getting closer when another ship came into view, it had abomotons aiming at us and some coven scouts on it

"Your ship as been reported stolen! Please land!" The coven scouts said through a microphone
"Shit..." I muttered under my breath, suddenly we were shit at, the kids immediately got in there palismen and began fighting back, I watched as my daughter fought against the scouts and how good she was

"I've raised a very independence, smart and strong girl..." I smiled and then the ship went down

-Kings POV-

My head hurt like hell... I slowly opened my eyes and saw amity, Willow, Gus, hunter and alador standing next to the ship that apparently crashed... Alador seemed to be fighting something off but I couldn't tell... Gus soon came closer and began asking something, I couldn't make out what he was saying

Then it went all black again...

I opened my eyes again but this time we were in the air, I think Gus or Willow was carrying me but I couldn't tell... Titan everything is so blurry... I closed my eyes again and let myself fall asleep.

I began waking up again but this time it was colder... I felt the ground and it felt like metal and maybe sand? I looked around as saw all the coven heads on the floor with a yellow misty thing coming out of their wrists, then I saw hunter shaking the abomination coven head... I looked over to willow, Gus and amity, they were with eda, she was passed out too... I wanted to run up to her but I couldn't, I just couldn't move, screw my Toby body for being weak!

-Hunters POV-

We landed on the podium and I was shocked to see what was happening, I stared in horror as I saw all the coven heads on the ground with a yellow mist thing coming out of their wrists, Willow, Gus and amity ran ti eda, I would've too if I didn't see Darius...

I immediately ran over to him, I got on my knees and started shaking him


I felt a tear roll down my cheek, I coulf feel the panic rising in me
*'no no no not now!'*
I began doing the breathing thing Gus taught me, it really helped when I was about to have a panic attack and when I was having one, I wiped my eyes and stood up

"Come on hunter... We have to find Luz!" Amity shouted
"I think I might know where she is..." I looked directly at the Titans skull and frowned

Seems like I'm doing two parts, also seems I'm going back toy long chapters lol, I also promise I will edit and proof read the ending chapters, I'm just not the bothered to at the moment.

And when the "edited by" says "(I didn't edit this)" it means I hadn't been edited at all, I have no one else to edit these so yeah- it's just me :)

Written by: Polyamorous_Flapjack
Edited by: (I didn't edit this)

Proof read 🚫

Word count: 756

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