The Emperor's castle (Ch. 7)

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This chapter takes place in the Emperor's coven

TWs: none

-Kikimoras POV-

Ugh that stupid palismen bird helped that brat get away! This was my one chance to prove myself to the Emperor and that brat and it's bird ruined it!

"Kikimora miss what should we do?" Captain asked
"We return to the castle and report what has happened"
"Don't you fear the Emperor will be upset?"
"Yes but now that I know that brat has a palismen... They Emperor will be more upset with him" I grinned and clapped my hands
"Scouts!" The scouts gathered "we will be returning to the castle now" they all nodded and we went back

Back at the castle

"Hello Emperor" I said kneeling down
"Have you found him..." His tone was cold and bland
"No sir but..."
"But what?" He seems a little Interested
"We found out he has a palismen, a red bird"
"So he betrayed me twice..." He turned around "your dismissed kikimora" I got back up and left the room

-Emperor belos POV-

I just sighed
*'how could he betray me like this!'* I felt the curse rising
*'its like betrayal is built into them!'*
I screamed and smashed my goop hand into the wall repeatedly

"Seems like someone's mad~" I heard an annoying vocie say
"Oh collector..." My hand turned back into its normal shape and I took my mask off
"I can't believe we lost another oneee!"
He whined
"I liked messing with that one! We would play such fun game"
Honestly I forgot that he liked to torment hunter, he did it most when he was younger, he thought he was playing but really he was traumatizing the kid
"I'm sure you two did..."
"Now we have to make another oneee!"
"No..." The collector looked at me
"Excuse a what now?"
"He's needed for the day of unity... We can't make and sigil and new one in time, remember you can only get a sigil if your 10+"
"Ughhhhh then just make it 10!"
"No can do, the max age I can make it is 5, for how much blood I have left"
"Your boringggggg" the collector whined again
"Mhm, now please leave I have an announcement I have to make..."
"Finnneeeee" then he disappeared
*'finally'* I sighed and put my mask back on

20 minutes later

Everyone was now gathered at the podium, even the owl lady and her kids... I smirked under the mask and readied myself, I then nodded at the projector person and suddenly I heard a bunch of people cheer

"Thank you, thank you..." I said, the cheering then began quieting down
"As you know the golden guard or my nephew, has ran away, we have failed to yet bring him back" I paused and looked over the crowed who were whispering
"Because of this I am rising the reward from 400'000 snails to 800'000 snails, if you have any information please report it to the coven scouts you see around town or even miss kikimora" I looked over at the owl lady and her kids who seemed a bit worried... Maybe not a bit, extremely worried... I smirked
"Goodbye now!" Then the projector turned off and I could now speak freely and take my mask off

3 hours later

I was walking around the castle when a scout ran up to me

"Emperor sir!" They said hurried
"Someone reported seeing the golden guard fly towards the owl lady's house today!"
"Oh really?"
"Yes! Would you like us to go check" I began thinking
"Hmm yes... But"
"I will be coming, I want to make sure he isn't... Hurt"
"Are you sure? You may get attacked" the scout seemed genuinely a bit worried
"I'll be fine, you scouts can protect me, it is your job"
"Yes sir... When will we go?"
"Tomorrow, make sure you tell the others"
"Of course sir" the scout then rushed away.

How stupid can he be? Thinking that no one was suspect the owl lady... How stupid, that palismen has messed with his head... But he seems attached to it... I could use that to my advantage... I chuckled and walked away

Tomorrow is going to be fun...

Spoiler! It won't be fun

Written by: Polyamorous_Flapjack
Edited by: polyamorous_Flapjack

Proof read ☑️

Word count: 720

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