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Helloooo, in most of my books I will be giving credits and all that stuff so here we goooo!

Writer of book: Polyamorous_Flapjack
Main editor: Polyamorous_Flapjack
Current name for followers: birdies

Main inspiration:
"safe at last" by Gh0stPh0bic
"Mentally and physically tearing him apart" imtryingtobeanauthor
"Everything Changes So Quickly..."

Words- 24,984 (not including this)
Comments- 340 (not including this or last chapter)
Followers gained- 24

-The reason I added "main writer and editor" is because I was planning to share this account with someone else who was willing to help with this and other books, along with making there own if wished, I am still planning doing that if anyone is interested, if so please private message me

-i will be working on a toh rp server, it won't be organised at all just a trashy roleplay area along with chatting and all that, link will be in the conversation area on my profile when I've shared the link, the link lasts 7 days

I wanted to thank you all for the support and help you've given me (especially with the Spanish) I'm grateful I've been given the opportunity to make this book and I'm glad I have

Thank you all and have an amazing day!

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