you love me...? (Ch. 25)

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Hello! How y'all doing~?

I'm doing shit! School sucks and 2 words

Australian summer

Fucking nightmare, my British ass is gonna be a puddle soon, surprised I'm not one tbh, this weather is too hot, 30°c like everyday!


TWs: bad thoughts

-Hunters POV-

I started at the TV and sighed, it was 11:51pm and everyone was asleep, we were watching a movie and they all fell asleep, I didn't because it's like I physically can't anymore... I stood up and walked down into the basement, I layed down on my sleeping bag and let all the thoughts take over me

*'they don't really love you, you know that right?'*
*'you really think that they like you? HAH! Your pathetic'*
*'you should've let your uncle kill you! Atleast they won't have to deal with you'*
*'your so much to handle'*
*'so annoying, like titan shut up!'*

"I'm sorry..." I blinked away tears
"Sorry for what?" I heard a sleepy vocie say from the stairs, I looked over to see Luz standing on the stairs looking at me
"Why are you awake?"
"I dont know, I got up to check on you and saw you were gone"
"You okay?"
"I'm sorry..."
"Why?" She came down and sat next to me, I sat up and looked at her
"I'm so much to handle, so annoying, I cause alot of problems and-"
"You don't cause any problems" she smiled
"Sure, sure..." I mumbled
"I mean it bro bro, your family, you dont cause issues, you never do, your just being you and that's what I love from you"
"But me being me is wrong- not how I'm suppose to act-"
"Hunter, your not the golden guard anymore are you?" I shook my head "so you don't need to act "professional" and "mature" your a kid still, well a teen but you get it-"
I giggled and smiled
"Aww I love your smile! And must importantly I love! You!" She bopped my nose and giggled
"You love me...?"
"Of course your kinda like my brother! Why wouldn't I?" I stared at her as she smiled brightly at me
"You should sleep now, I will be too, goodnight bro bro" she stood up and walked back up the stairs
"Love you!!!" She yelled before closing the door
"Love you too..."

"Love you too"

Sibling duo my beloved 🛐🛐🛐

I love their dynamic so much! Camila should adopt hunter, I really want that to happen- but it probably won't lol

We can only have it in our headcanons and au's 😓

Written by: Polyamorous_Flapjack
Edited by: Polyamorous_Flapjack

Proof read ☑️

Word count: 442

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