classes (Ch. 14)

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Double update??!!!!! Wowza!


I know I said the next one's will be fluff and wholesome but I can't go 2 chapters without some good old angst alright

TW: abuse mentions, bullying, identify crisis and not the okay kind I mean full on questioning life kind

Also btw I kinda feel like English idk why would be called witchish in the boiling ilse- I don't know why but because I feel like it would English is being called witchish, which means everyone on the Boling idle speaks


Deal with my weird headcanon! I am not in the mood to be argued with

-Hunters POV-

We stopped Infront of a classroom with a potion symbol on the front and the numbers P-1 (yes I know letters aren't numbers so shut tf up) I felt a wave of anxiety wash over me as other students approached the classroom... That girl from earlier who commented on my scar and ear was in this class too...

"Oh hey Luz and new kid" she smirked as she approached us, I suddenly saw everyone stare at us and I began freaking out
"L-luz I don't l-like thi-is"
"Shhh it's okay" she squeezed my hand and smiled at me
"So what's with the scar and ear freak" I was very taken back by what she said
"E-excuse m-me?"
"Answer. Please" I gulped, I couldn't tell her how I got them
"What did your parents give you the scar or something? I bet you didn't even have parents to be honest" she snickered

she wasn't wrong... My uncle isn't even my uncle- I'm just a clone- I'm just a grimwalker... Who am I even suppose to be? Who am I anymore? I'm not hunter am? I'm just a no one now- Im not real... Is my life just a simulation? Were the other golden guards grimwalkers too...? Did they die or something-? Am I ment to die soon!? No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

"HEY!" The girl snapped her fingers Infront of my face and I flinched
"Why did you flinch like that-?"
"Leave him alone Boscha!" Luz got in the way of both of us
"Oh human I'm just asking questions, and he isn't answering!" I could hear anger lace her vocie and it made me panic, I began shaking
"Hunter calm down... She won't hurt you" Luz turned around and went to put her hand on my shoulder but I flinched so she stopped, she had sadness In her eyes but didn't try push anything...

She knew what I went through
She knew about the pain
She knew about the abuse
She knew about flapjack

"Alright class!" I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard that vocie speak, I looked to my side to see our teacher?
"That's our teacher" Luz whispered to me, I nodded and he all told us to enter, I was forced to introduce myself and everyone seemed okay, I sat down next to Luz and to my surprise the lesson wasn't that bad

After the class

"I have witchish next hunter, what do you have?" Luz said peering at my schedule
"Ooooo fun! I heard you'll be learning about the first humans that came here!" I looked at her, confused
"Other humans came here before you..?"
"Yeahhhh, there's one called Philip that came here back in like 1650s or whatever"
"So during the savage ages?"
"Anyway let's get you to class" Luz grabbed my hand and we began walking me to my classroom

At the history class

I said my goodbye to Luz and just waited for the teacher along with some other kids and that Boscha girl... She didn't bother trying to ask me questions and just sent me glares instead, she's a strange one.

The teacher let us in, I had to introduce myself again and we all sat down

"As you know we are learning about the first humans to come to the boiling isle!" The teacher said happily, she turned a projector on and a bunch of information appeared on the board

"The first ever humans to come to the boiling isle were called Caleb and Philip wittebane! Also know as the wittebane brothers, even tho they were barely together people knew they were related, Caleb had apparently been dazzled by magic and agreed to go with the witch who had convinced him, Philip was on his own before he had made a portal and traveled here" the teacher finished reading and looked up at us, I was shocked, they had the same last name as me- Is this why I have no magic-? Am I human...?!
"I'm now going to show some pictures of them that were taken by magic of them" the photos appeared and i think my theory was proven, I looked exactly like Caleb, and I mean exactly, basically identical except for our eye colour

After the class

I was still shook- I had to tell Luz but she doesn't know what a grimwalker is! I can't just tell her what it is and if I don't she'll ask eda and then eda will know and- and- AAAAGGGHHHHH!

I placed my head down on the table, I felt like screaming honestly, I just wanted this day to be over!

After school

Me and Luz walked out of school, we were having a conversation about the savage ages, she wanted to know more about it so I was basically explaining everything I knew

"Heyyyy kids!" Eda said smiling
"How was school!"
"Terrible" me and luz said both out answers at the same time
"Terrible huh? What happened"
"It was Boscha wasn't it" Luz said while getting on the staff, I just nodded and got on the staff too, it was more then that Boscha girl, it was everything...

I'm not a real person... I'm just a clone of a human... I'm not even a witch... I'm just a human basically

I do wonder tho

Who am I a clone of?

Welp, he's gonna find out soon so yeah lol

Written by: Polyamorous_Flapjack
Edited by: Polyamorous_Flapjack

Proof read ☑️

Word count: 1046

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