it's just a cup (Ch. 4)

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TWs: abuse mentions

-Hunters POV-

Eda has let me stay at the owl house, she won't tell anyone why I'm staying and I'm grateful for that, no matter how hard people push she won't budge and that's a good thing about her

"Hey hunter can you get me a cup of water! I need some for this potion but I can't leave it unoccupied!" Eda yelled from the kitchen
"Okay..." I stood up and off the couch, I walked into the kitchen and to the cupboards, I opened the cupboard and grabbed a cup
*'why must I be so shakey...'*
I sighed and filled the cup up with water, I was walking over to eda when suddenly the cup slipped out of my hands and smashed into the floor, shattering, my heart dropped

"I-im so-sorry!" I quickly began picking up the shards of glass, I ended up cutting myself, it didn't hurt really
"Woah woah-" eda said "you leave that glass on the floor and go get a band-aid"
"B-but I broke your cup? Aren't you m-mad?"
"It's just a cup kid, I have alot more" she smiled at me, I tried to smile back but I couldn't, all I could do was stare at the mess I made with my uncle's words replaying over and over again in my head

"I-im sorry- i-"
"I-ill cle-clean I-t"


"The carpet better be clean when I get back golden guard!"
"Y-yes s-sir"

I must've started crying cause eda was looking at me with a worried look

"Kid? Are you okay?"
"I-i" I couldn't talk, I couldn't find the words to say, eda then took her potion off the stove thing and walked over to me
"Kid it's alright... I don't care that you broke a cup, I can just get a new one, don't panic" I only nodded, I felt terrible
"I-i need to clean it up..."
"No." She said in a serious tone "you've already done so much, you need to relax"
"No buts" she cut me off "now go do child things with Luz and king" she pushed me out the kitchen and into the living room

"Hey hunter!" Luz waved at me
"Hi Luz"
"Hey blonde dude" the rat-dog said
"My name's hunter rat"
"Hey! I'm not a rat! My name's king" king hissed
"Okay king" I just shrugged and sat down next to Luz
"Whatcha doing?"
"Drawing glyphs"
"Glyphs? Isn't that wild magic"
"Mhm" she nodded
"Can you umm... Teach me?"
"OF COURSE!" Luz shouted
I just chuckled

Hours later

-Edas POV-

I walked into the living room, I just finished brewing some potions to sell

"Alright you kids better get off to be-"
"SHUSHHHHH" king jumped on me and covered my mouth
"Look" he pointed to the corner of the room where hunter and Luz was, Luz was asleep and hunter was using- glyphs?

"Hey kid whatcha doing?"
"Huh?" He looked at me "oh- umm just learning about glyphs..."
"Cool, what you have you learnt so far?"
"Oh just basic light and ice glyphs"
"Damn you learn fast"
"Well you should go to sleep"
"I'll use a sleeping spell on you"
"You wouldn't"

I just looked at him and sighed, I drew a circle in the air and pushed it close to his face

-Hunters POV-

I watched eda draw a circle in the air and immediately knew what she was doing, she pushed the circle close to my face and I started feeling sleepy

"You need this sleep kid" I heard eda say
"I'm not- Ngh... Tired..." I felt my eyes close
"Not tired huh?" I heard eda chuckle before I passed out

This one's took a while to write because I had no motivation lol

Written by: Polyamorous_Flapjack
Edited by: Polyamorous_Flapjack

Proof read ☑️

Word count: 668

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