drawing family (Ch. 22)

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Certified orphan moment for hunter lol

A short one to just feel better cause idk I want to write :D

-Narators POV-

"Hey guys!" Luz shouted as she ran into the old house
"Hi..." Gus said looking down
"What's wrong Gus?" Gus didn't reply
"What's wrong with Gus?"
"He misses his dad..." Willow Saud while walking over to Gus, Luz frowned and began thinking of what to do

"OOOO!" She shouted
"What?" Hunter asked
"How about we draw our family members and put them up!" Amity agreed to the idea so did Willow, Gus seemed happier and agreed too, hunter just smiled so did vee
"So do you have paper?" Hunter said standing up
"Yep! I'll go get it!" Luz ran out the old house and to her house

With the others

"So who are you guys drawing?" Willow asked
"My dad of course!" Gus smiled
"My dad and annoying older siblings" amity smile slightly at the thought of them
"Camila, Luz and possibly someone else" vee said
"How about you captain?"
"My dad's of course..."
Hunter nodded and looked around the room, he felt awkward, he didn't have any family that was biological, sure he could do family figures but then again... What if they get weirded out
"What about you hunter?" Vee asked
"Oh- ummm... I don't really have a family-"
"Huh?" Willow seemed confused "what about your uncle?"
"Keys just say he isn't biological..." Hunter twiddle with his thumbs, then Luz came bursting through the door

"I have paper!!! And pencils!" She placed them on the floor and everyone grabbed a sheet and a pencil
"Get drawing!"
Everyone began drawing but hunter just stared at his page.

After everyone finished

"Wanna show our drawings off?" Luz asked
"I don't see why not!" Then amity turned hers around and showed everyone
"Looks good sweet potato!" Amity blushed

"Well here's mine... I don't really draw-" Willow shower hers to the group
"Looks good captain!" Hunter complemented
"Thanks hunter!"

"Here's mine!!" Gus turned his around and everyone smiled
"Looks good little man!" Hunter said
"Did you just call me little man"
"What you are little?" Hunter snickered
"How dare you-" Gus said in a fake offended tone

"Anyway here's mine!" Vee showed hers and hunter just stared at it
"Is that... Me?" He pointed at the only boy in the drawing
"Of course it is! Your family right?" Hunter blinked a couple times
*'im family to her-?'*

"Heres mine!" Luz showed hers and everyone seemed amazed by it
"Looks so good amor!"
"Your good"
Luz smiled at all the complements, then turned to hunter
"Can we see yours?" Hunter looked down at his blank page
"You didn't draw anything did you?" Lus said, hunter gulped and only nodded
"Your so stupid! You've got eda, king, hooty, Darius, me, vee and my mom dumb dumb!" Luz flicked hunters forehead
"Draw now!"
"Fine fine... But I won't have everyone in it okay?"
Luz nodded and smiled can't wait to see it!

Once hunter finished drawing
(I do not own the art! I don't know who drew it either sadly)

"Done..." Hunter then flipped his drawing around
"Omg!" Luz said "it's amazing hunter! You should start drawing more!"
"Yeah it looks really good hunter!" Gus added
Hunter smiled and looked at the drawing

" Hunter then flipped his drawing around"Omg!" Luz said "it's amazing hunter! You should start drawing more!" "Yeah it looks really good hunter!" Gus added"Yep!" "Mhm"Hunter smiled and looked at the drawing

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(Imagine this in pencil and no colour and roughly sketched, again idk who drew this but credit goes to them)

"It really is perfect..."

Not really short but whatever, I wrote long chapters

Written by: Polyamorous_Flapjack
Edited by: (I didn't edit this)

Proof read 🚫

Word count: 602

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