caught but not (Ch. 6)

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I wanted to say thank you so much for 100+ reads :D

TWs: none

-Hunters POV-

Edas been more protective of me ever since the wanted poster, I've generally never had someone care for me this much... Whenever I go out of the house she makes sure I'm unrecognisable, how we do this? Wig, eye contacts and i change the sound of my vocie too, it's fun knowing that no one knows who I am and people don't act so feared when I talk to them! It's amazing!

"Hi, what can I get ya?" The lady at the counter said
"Hmm just a normal coffee please"
"Okay sir, is that all?"
"Oh can I get a muffin too please..."
"Of course, just wait right there" the lady then went over to the coffee machine and began making my coffee, after she finished she grabbed a chocolate muffin and placed it down Infront of me
"That will be 6 snails please" I nodded and handed her the money, I then went and sat down at a table so I could finishing some studying on glyph magic.

Glyph magic was very different to your ordinary magic, there was only 4 main types, light, ice, plant and fire. To make different glyphs like invisibility and mist, you need to combine specific glyphs, you combine ice and Fire to make the mist glyph (if you don't know what this is, it's from the "hunting palismen" or whatever it's called episode) and I'm still learning the invisibility one.

5 minutes later

I finished my coffee and began eating my muffin when done coven scouts walked into the café...

"We're looking for the golden guard, he's been missing for 2 weeks" the lady looked at the poster and began thinking
"I don't think I've seen him around..." She looked around the coffee shop until her eyes landed on me, I could tell by her stare she knew it was me...
"Nope no one in here seems to look like him" she said returning her gaze to the coven scouts
"Alright but may we look in the back to ask and check your employees?"
"Of course" the coven scouts then walked into the back, the lady looked at me again and winked, I smiled at her and focused back on my studies and muffin.

Then coven scouts were back now, but they weren't leaving
"All your employees are clear" the last just nodded and smiled, then the coven scouts clears their throat and began speaking

"Hello everyone, as you are aware the golden guard has ran away and gone missing" the other scout began talking
"Today we will be checking all your wrists for coven sigils and your identity incase you are him, I know it seems insane but illusions have always been a thing he was into" I gulped
"If anyone attempts to leave while the search is happening you will be contained by a guard and questioned" most people some didn't seem bothered by this, overs were quite irritated and I was full on panicking! They can't find out that it's me! They can't!

Suddenly I heard a familiar chirp
"Flap?" I Said quietly looking at flapjack who was now on the table
"Flap you need to leave! If they catch me they'll take you to belos and he'll kill you!"
"Cheep cheep"
"Flap please leave..."

"Ehem sir" I looked to my side and saw the scouts standing there
"Hello-" I said
"Please show us your wrists" I felt panic began rising
"Oh I'm sorry- must've spaced out... Haha" I smiled slightly at them
"We need to see your wrists" I slightly glanced at flapjack and he nodded..? Does he want me to show them?! He could have a plan but he's just a tiny palismen... What could he do...

The scout then grabbed my right arm and pulled my sleeve down revealing my sigil, I yanked my wrist away and looked at them

"Sir... Your coming with us"
"Why? Cause I have a sigil? It could be a temporary tattoo, I'm a child aren't i"
"You refusing to come makes you more suspicious, may we have your name"
"It's Caleb, now leave me alone"
"Your coming with us." One of the scouts pointed their staff at me, the other one grabbed me and dragged me out of my seat

"You may all leave if you need to, we have found the golden guard"
"I look nothing like him!" I yelled, the scout that was holding me just stared at me and yanked my wig off, revealing my hair (ik you wear like a wig cap under it but just imagine the wigs are magic and you don't have to do that) he then did a spell that made my eye contacts disappear and made my vocie back to normal
"Are you sure about that?" People gasped and the lady just looked at me with sadness and guilt in her eyes
"I demand you to let me go!" The scouts began hesitating, I was their superior, but I did run away from my role...

"Don't unhand him" I froze at the sound of that vocie, it was kikimoras...
"He ran away from his role remember? He's not your superior at the moment" she snickered
"Really thought you could run?" She laughed as she walked over to me
"How pathetic, the emperor is going to so pleased with me... OW!"
"CHEEP CHIRP! CHEEP!!" flapjack suddenly began attacking kikimora and the scouts, the scout holding be dropped me to attempt to grab and crush flapjack.

I ran out of the coffee shop and saw flapjack flying close behind me, he caught up and turned into his staff form, I hoped on and we flew back to the owl house.

Today was definitely different-

I'm tired lol :)

Written by: Polyamorous_Flapjack
Edited by: Polyamorous_Flapjack

Proof read ☑️

Word count: 984

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