hexside (Ch. 13)

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I. Hate. Periods.

Ehem sorry-

Thanks for 700+ reads, when I write the first chapters I thought this was gonna be a flop but I'm very grateful it wasn't :D

Also I'm so excited for episode 2 of season 3 to come out!! in about 6 days it should be out eeeekkkkkkkk

-Luzs POV-

Everything and seemed to go back to normal... Hunter still seems on edge about being 'free' he's also quieter then normal... It's freaking me out about but can't really blame him, I'm still on edge too, there's no way the EMPEROR would let us off Scott free like that- this has to be apart of some sort of plan

I just sighed and finished putting my uniform on

"Hey Luz..." I saw hunter standing in the doorway
"Yes hunter?"
"Do you think eda will let me go to hexside...?"
"Of course! There's no way she'll say no!" I saw a small smile appear on hunters face "let's go ask then!" I grabbed his hand and we ran down stairs

"Eddddaaaaaa!" I yelled
"Whattttttt" she yelled back
"Can hunter go to hexside too, like as a student!!" I saw edas head then pop round the corner
"Wellllll- with recent events don't you want him to settle in a bit before big moves?"
"No I'm okay, I've never really been to school and I wants to experience it..." Hunter said twiddling his thumbs
"Welp if you want to then sure, no harm can come from that right?" She walked into the living room and called for owlbert, owlbert came flying in and transformed into his staff form
"Get on then" me and hunter both sat on the staff
"Shouldn't we do this outside?" Hunter questioned
"Nope! It's perfectly safe!" And with that hooty opened the door and we shot out

At hexside

We stopped Infront of hexside and we all hoped off the staff, eda made sure to grab owlbert and we all walked inside, hunter seemed really nervous as people were staring at us with judgemental looks

"Who's that with you human?" Oh crap it was Boscha...
"He's my brother" I said turning around to face her
"Really? He looks-" she looked hunter up and down and I could see him getting extremely uncomfortable
"He looks umm odd- especially with that scar and notch in his ear- what happened there?" Hunter quickly covered his scar and ear with his hands
"Oh stop Boscha! Your making him uncomfortable!" She just rolled her eyes and walked off
"Don't listen to her hunter, she has nothing better to do with her life so she just trust to put people down!" We continued walking until we reached bumps office

"Alright kids, Luz you stay outside and hunter you come with me"

-Hunters POV-

"Alright kids, Luz you stay outside and Hunter you come with me" I just stared blankly at eda
"Golden guard..." I suddenly snapped back and looked around in a panic
"Huh?" I looked up at eda who has a sympathetic look on her face
"Hunter..." I just looked down
"Come one kid, let's go get you some proper education hmm?" I nodded and we walking into the office

"Heyyyy bumpy poo"
"Edalyn, I told you to stop calling me that"
"Whatever, anywayyyyy"
"Who's that?" He looked at me and I hid behind eda
"Come on kid, bumpy poo won't bite ya!" She moved to the side
"As I was saying I'd like to enroll hunter into hexside"
"Ahhh okay" he looked down at some papers on his desk "can you preform 2 spells for me hunter, this will ensure your in a great class"

My breath hitched, I couldn't preform magic without my staff- I'm powerless without it

"Kid you can do magic right?" I just stared blankly at the wall
"I-i" I looked down and sighed "I can't do magic, I'm a powerless witch... I can only preform magic with a staff" I looked back up and at the other person in the room
"Okay..." He said, he looked back at his paper and nodded "well... We can accept you but you will only be able to do potions" I could feel my eyes light up
"Well you can start today I guess so here"

He drew a circle in the air and my outfit changed into the uniform Luz was wearing but my sleeves and pants were yellow and not multi coloured

"Luz is going to be every happy" I heard eda say, I just smiled and we both existed the office, before we left I got given my schedule, it was all potions of course but I did have the basic classes too.

We left the office and say amity and Luz talking
"Hey eda, hey hun-" Luz looked at me and I saw a huge and spread across her face
"EKKKKK YOU GOT IN!" She jumped up and down and amity looked a little shocked
"Wow- not meaning to sound rude but I for sure thought you wouldn't be accepted" amity said looking at my uniform
"To be honest same-"

"Well you three better get off to class, Luz you help hunter find his classes" eda said grabbing onto owlbert who was leaned against a wall
"Okay eda!" Luz grabbed my hand and began dragging me
"I have potions first too so we're in the same class!" I just smiled at her excitement
"Your very happy that i got accepted huh?" She nodded repeatedly and I giggled
"Omg your giggle is adorable!"
"Shut up human!"
"Hey I though you stopped with that nickname!"
"Whatever bad but sad boy"

She just laughed as she dragged me through the hallway, I just sighed and smiled

It felt nice to be loved

Yayyyy happy hunter!! Your gonna have some really happy chapters!


and then it's all gonna go down hill bitch whahahaahahahahahagahaha

Written by: Polyamorous_Flapjack
Edited by: Polyamorous_Flapjack

Proof read ☑️

Word count: 994

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