home for the witches (Ch. 26)

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Shit exists and I hate it,
fun fact about me I swear online but not irl unless I extremely pissed or annoyed, I've sworn in atleast ever chapter too, I live differently

So this chapter is kinda like for to future but not, so the witches (minus hunter) go back to the demon realm but hunter stays with Luz, there is an active portal which allows the demon realm and human realm to interact whenever so Luz and amity can see each other 😊

(Gonna be a wait till last chapter btw)

-Hunters POV-

Honestly this festival thing was better then I expected, it was so fun and I got to learn more about my past life I guess that's what it's called

"Sooo how was it!" Camila asked
"It was fun!" Gus yelled
"Super fun!" Willow added
Luz chuckled "yea I guess it was"
"How was it hunter and amity?"
"It was okay" amity mumbled
"Eh" I shrugged my shoulders
"Gotta have a better answer then that hunter" Luz said rolling her eyes
"Oh shut it human"
"Still using that nickname bro bro?"
"Yep!" I said popping the P

We continued the car ride home, nothing interesting happened really other then some animal bones scattered on the road for some reason, like a animal just decomposed on the spot, which was.... Strange-

At homeeeeee

We went home and all sat on the living room, amity and Willow looked upset- I was quite confused

"You two good?" I said looking at them
"Huh? Oh... Yea!"
"Nice lying skills amity"
"Shut up hunter"
"No, what's wrong?"
"I just miss home... I want to know my family is okay!"
"Willow? How about you?" Willow shifted in her seat
"Umm i-i just miss my dad's..." I saw tears form in her eyes but she wiped them before they spilled

"Wellll I have some good news then!!!!" Luz Saud barging into the living room, she went to talk to her mom after we came back so yeah
"What is it?" Amity seemed interested
"We made a working portal between the demon and human realm!!" I watched as everyone jaw dropped, not mine or vees tho, we didn't really want to go back
"Y-you did?!" Willow literally jumped out of her seat and hugged Luz
"Thank you thank you thank you!" Luz giggled and hugged Willow back
"Yep so you guys can go back today if you really want"
"Really?!" Gus said excitedly "EKKKKK I'm packing!" He then ran down stairs, I think he may have fell down them since there was a big crash that was heard

When everyone went to pack

"Hunter why aren't you packing?" Camila asked
"Oh- I" I didn't really know what to say
"I don't want to go back..." I mumbled
"You need to speak up mijo"
"I don't want to go back... To many bad memories..." I looked at her and she had a sad smile on her face
"Well you can stay then, if that place is too triggering for you to stay permanently then you can stay here"
I stared at her I'm shock, O think I stared crying too
"Re-ally?" I wiped my tears
"Of course mijo, your family aren't you?" I smiled and hugged her she hugged me back and began running my back to help me calm down more

At the portal

The portal was located in the basement of the old house, it was like that portal door except made by a 14 year old who dosent have experience

"Have fun love!" Luz kissed amitys cheek and amity smiled, I watched as the portal door shower the demon realm, I smiled slightly at the sight
"Bye hunter!" Willow Saud hugging me "stay safe or I will kill you" I heard her mumble
"I will don't worry" I was then knocked over by Gus hugging me
"Woah gus-"
"I know but I don't know when I'm going to see you again!"
"The portal is always open, you can always come back whenever" he got off me and smiled
"Okay... Like Willow said stay safe!" Willow grabbed Gus's hand for comfort and I watched them walk through

"That was an experience..." Luz said staring at the familiar purple grass and the 3 witches who were running as fast as they could
"It really was huh?" I said smiling, getting up off the sorry floor
"I hope they'll be okay..." Camila said softly
"Don't worry mama, that's their home, they'll be fine!" Luz Said reassuring her mum
"Happy ending?" Luz randomly said

"Happy ending" I said smiling

This is not the finale, I have one more chapter planned that will be coming soon!

Thank you all so much for 5.2k reads and I'll see y'all soon!

Written by: Polyamorous_Flapjack
Edited by: (I didn't edit this)

Proof read 🚫

Word count: 812

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