Fights (Ch. 18)

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I have the shitest memory ever so I only really Rembert that fights that happen durring clouds above the horizon or whatever The episodes called so yeah this will just be fights which means

TWs: fighting, kidnapping technically, blood, blood mentions, arguing

-Amitys POV-
(Odalia, alador and amity thing, ya know that scene)

I was hiding behind a bush when suddenly a shadow casted over me

"Really behind a bush?" My mother laughed, I looked around and saw my friends + hunter, I don't really trust him that much to be my friend... Anyway I say my friends +hunter trapped in a pink bubble with abomination goop on their hands, meaning they can't use magic... Crumbs, suddenly I was lifted up by a abomoton and thrown into the bubble along with goop going on my hands, I felt anger bubbling inside of me

"Mom don't you understand! Belos is evil! He's going to kill everyone on the Isle! And your abomotons are helping!" I yelled at her
"Amity blight, I'm your mother don't yell at me!" She snapped back
"She's just trying to help!" Luz butted in, I smiled at her
"Oh hush brat!"
"Don't talk to my girlfriend like that!" I said stepping closer, my mom looked shocked
"Girlfriend? Oh no that won't do" I was confused
"How about we find you a new girlfriend, someone who's" she drew a circle in the air and luzs wanted poster appeared "not on wanted posters..." She grinned, I felt anger bubbling inside me and I decided to let it all out

I screamed and ripped the abomination goop of my hands, forming it into a fist and began repeatedly punching the bubble , it ended up breaking eventually and I was shocked

"Did I do that-"
"No but you were close sweetie" I looked around and saw my dad

Then my mom and dad began fighting...

-Hunters POV-
(Everyone vs kikibitch, expect hunter cause he's being held hostage)

Idk what to think right now- honestly Mr.Blight and Ms.Blight are now fighting, I am so confused, then out of nowhere I was lifted into the air- like wtf is happening right now, I looked to see kikimora in a abomoton suit thing, I felt like gasping but I didn't

"What the fu-" Gus was cut off my Willow covering his mouth
"No Gus, no" he only nodded
"Hahahah I can't wait to take you back to belos! Maybe he'll make me the new golden guard!" Panic actually rose through me, I can't go back, I don't want to do- well- ugh nevermind, kikimora then fled into the warehouse to attempt to escape or whatever and well that didn't work out well-

-Willows POV-
(Everyone vs kikibitch)

I got behind kikimora and placed my hands on the ground, I then got covered in vines and I was shot up, I slowly made myself the same height and shot at her, unfortunately she turned around and placed hunter in the way, I froze and panicked, I through my arms to the side and the vines went around them

Now that was close

-Gus POV-
(Everyone vs kikibitch)

My illusions didn't seem to be that effective, they did distract kikimora tho and made her confused and angry, honestly I just hoped I wasn't going to get hit by one of those abomination blasts she was blasting-

-Hunters POV-
(Everyone vs kikibitch (near the end))

Suddenly everything went black for me, once it all cleared up I had swapped places with Luz and looked exactly like her, I was freaking out, I couldn't say anything either, they would think I was insane... Ughh! I watched as Kiki flew into the air and through the sealing with Luz... Or as everyone else saw it, witt me...

Alador or Mr.Blight ran out with us as amity ran towards the ship that was still parked, we all got on and Willow headed more towards the wheel, I was still very confused, suddenly alador and amity came to my side

"You know maybe I miss judged y-" he placed his hand on my shoulder and o turned back into me
"I'm confused-" he said taking his hand of my shoulder
"I- don't know what happened- i-"
"She wanted to protect you..." We all looked at gus who seemed extremely overpowered and exhausted
"Wait that means-" amity looked into the sky

"Lus is going to belos..."

Okay so maybe I don't remember anything if clouds above the horizon cause that was probably all wrong but deal with it cause I'm not editing this whoop!

Written by: Polyamorous_Flapjack
Edited by: (I didn't edit this)

Proof read 🚫

Word count: 776

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