Hunter... (Ch. 21)

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Pizza... BAGELS

My new favourite collector quote 👍

Idk what a pizza bagel is but it sounds amazing

Ehem, extremely angsty this one :)
I've gone to long without a proper angst chapter alr

TWs: SH (s3lf h@rm), implied abuse mentions, denial?, Swearing, razors, cVtt8ng, blood

-Hunters POV-

We stood at the door to luzs house, she knocked on it, it took a while but then someone opened the door, they seemed to gasp, I brought Gus closer to me as Luz and presumably her mom hugged, me and the others just kind of stood there awkwardly in the rain until we were brought inside

Inside the noceda household

I looked around as we walked into the house, it was different from the owl house, even more different from the castle

"Welcome to my home!" Luz smiled weakly, amity and Willow seemed happy to be here, Gus was excited by all the human things and I didn't know what to feel... Seeing Luz and her mom be so happy made me think about Darius and eda... I miss them... But they're probably alright! Right...?

I sat down on the couch and just stared at my feet, everything felt so overwhelming, I just wanted to curl up and disappear

"Hey hunter!" Luz sat down next to me, she touched my arm and I winched
"Hunter are you okay?" I just nodded
"Your still processing huh... I still am too...' I looked at her and hugged her, she hugged me back and soon I heard a clicking noise

"Mami!" Luz shouted as her mom laughed while holding something
"You two are so cute together!" She giggled
"Mama..!" Luz blushed in EMBARRASSMENT and I giggled
"Do that again!" Luz turned to me
"Do that giggle again"
"No-" I was then tackled down
"Do. It. AGAIN."


After dinner I went down stairs to where me and Gus were staying, Gus was sleeping on the couch and I was sleeping on this thing called a sleeping bag- I layed down on or and fell deep into my thoughts

*'is Darius okay? Is eda okay? What's going on in the boiling isle- why can I help! Why must I be so useless! Ugh stupid coven sigl...'*

I grumbled and looked at the symbol on my wrist, suddenly the anger was overtaken by sadness

*'why can I be useful... Why couldn't I just tell people about the portal! Why was I do scared of my uncle- do i deserve what happened to me, did I deserve the pain?'*

I covered my face with my hands and turned over

"Hey hunter?" I sat up and saw Luz standing on the stairs
"How's your arm?" I looked down at them, I saw on of my scars showing and quickly pulled my sleeve down further
"Hunter...? What's on your arm...?" My breath hitched, I just looked at her, her face was plastered with concern and worry so I decided to lie
"Nothing Luz, it's nothing" I smiled at her and she just stared at me
"I'm not an idoit hunter" she said rather coldly
"Can I see your arm?" I began panicking as she walked down the stairs, that's when I decided to run, I stood up and ran for the the bathroom that was down here, I opened it and locked it once I was inside

"Hunter?!" Luz tried opening the door
"HUNTER?! ARE YOU OKAY?!" I backed away from the door and dashed over to the sink, I stared at myself and started crying, I sunk to the floor sobbing
"Hunter...?" Luz sounded like she was crying, fuck fuck shit shit, now Ive made Luz upset, I can't do anything right! I got back up and noticed something next to the sink

A razor

I grabbed it and pulled my sleeves up and began cutting


I began crying halfway through dew to the pain but I'm okay... I'm perfectly fine! I'm just- punishing myself for making Luz cry! That's it!


The door suddenly burst down, i freaked out and looked over to the door, I saw Camila standing there, she looked extremely worried, she gasped as she saw my arms and the razor which was now covered in blood along with my arms, Luz was there too, but no one else-?

"Mija..." She came closer to me, I tensed up a bit but instead of yelling at me she grabbed my hands
"Honey put it down..." I stared at her confused
"Why aren't you mad-?" I managed to say
"Mija, I couldn't be mad at this... Your going through something and can't express yourself... What's wrong hun? I'm here, I won't ever make you feel like your worries aren't worth talking about" she sounded so- accepting- I just broke on the spot... tears streamed down my face, I ended up dropping the razor and Camila brought me into a hug, slowly rubbing my back to help calm me down

After hunter finished crying

We were now sat I the living room, Camila was getting bandages and the rest of us were sat on the couch, everyone seemed so on edge and upset
*'they're not mad right?!'*
Luz must it noticed that I was thinking this cause she immediately said that no one was mad and everyone was just worried for me and how I'm coping with things

"Alright... Can you roll your sleeves up hunter?" I shook head and brought my arms to my chest to prevent people from grabbing or touching them
"Do you want us to leave hunter? Cause we will if your not comftable, no one's going to force you to do what your not comftable with" amity said slightly smiling at me, I nodded and they all left and went to luzs room I think

It's just hunter and Camila now

"Okay hunter... Can you please roll your sleeves up?" I took a deep breath and did what she asked, I heard her gasp, not from the new cuts, but the old ones
"Mija..." She grabbed some clear bottle that had done clear liquid inside of it
"This is disinfectant, it will sting but it's here to help protect the cut from infection okay?" I nodded and she sprayed some on a cloth and pressed it against my cuts
"AGH!" I winched in pain
"Shhhhhh..." Camila began putting the bandages on and taping them up, she stood up and then sat down next to me

"Would you like to talk hunter?"
"Yes please..."

Mama Camila 🛐 🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐

We love mama Camila 🛐

We STAN mama Camila

Written by: Polyamorous_Flapjack
Edited by: Polyamorous_Flapjack

Proof read ☑️

Word count: 1128

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